<span style="font-size:150"><span style="font-weight:bold">I DID NOT DO THE LINEART! YOU DON'T HAVE PERMISSION TO USE!</span></span><br><br> Besides that faint warning, this is a lineart that is soley being used for a contest that I entered (for the heck of it) because I wanted to make easy money. Ionno what breed it is but I colored it to what the contest-holder desired. <br><br><img src="
http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g106/shayleen43/nvtac2.jpg" alt="
http://i54.photobucket.com/albums/g106/shayleen43/nvtac2.jpg" class="bb-image" /><br><br>If you haven't noticed I didn't quite clean it up yet, but oh wells, I'll do that sometime soon.<br><br> I have a feeling it needs more highlights and shading, but this would be the first dog I actually tried to color. <br><br>Thanks for taking your time to read and view this.

<br><br>Oh, for your information and if you're blind and crazy enough, I'm willing to test my hand in selling artwork, but drawing the dogs myself would probably be a problem (costing you more).

"Discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in New Eyes."