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Beggers on VP

edited July 2010 in Vent
Ok <br>So I do like to help out friends and everything but when you message me EVERYDAY EXPECTING me to just go and buy you something or let you use a kennel its very annoying. There are some friends that I dont mind asking for help its no biggie but this is just rude.<br><br>She messages over and over.<br><br>She expects me to buy her a upgrade or used kennel<br>I do work hard to get the vpc I have!!<br>UGH<br>Sorry I just had to vent. Its was bugging me so bad.<br><br>Thank you to all my TRUE friends here on vp. <3 You guys rock


  • Yeah I know the same person bothers me ALL THE FREAKIN TIME. Aww we love you too Jm <3
  • I don't mind helping out friends either, but I would not be able to stand a beggar. A kennel upgrade, or used kennel? What in the world? Those aren't cheap. I would never think of asking another player if they could just upgrade my account because we are friends.<br><br>I don't know if you have, but be honest and forward with her. Tell you can't afford it, or you just aren't going to give something like that away, and all the asking/begging is putting pressure on you.<br><br>Good luck
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • JM you are one of the kind, thoughtful people here on VP among many others. you work hard for money and people shouldn't try to take advantage of that :wink:
  • Yea<br>Thanks guys :D<br>I try my hardest its just bugging me over and over its just annoying<br>I have been very upfront as well.<br>I tried to be as nice as possible about it as well but I guess they just dont get it LOL
  • I had a player like that on VHR. Just trying to help them out, gave them some horses, trained some horses for them free, even got another friend to train some very cheaply. Tried to teach them how to train for themselves and they just kept coming back wanting more for free. <br><br>I finally had to tell them it was time they found their own wings and made their own way and though I was willing to help with advice, I wouldn't be providing free services or animals any longer. Luckily for me, they got the message and though they still asked questions, they didn't ask for freebies any longer.<br><br>If they continue to bug you about getting free stuff, if it were me, I'd put them on ignore. Being nice is a good thing, but when they start taking advantage or asking for more, I consider it trying to walk all over me and cut them off completely.
    <span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>
  • I agree with Alabama
  • I will definitly do that! :D
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