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4th of July Weekend free training>>>

edited July 2010 in Giveaways, Etc.
I will offer free training on 4th of July Weekend to 20 untrained dogs of yours. If you are looking for a free 200/280 (or just skill max) training (starting today) just message me, and if I decide you are worthy, you get the free training. If you don't really need the free training, or I have already trained the 20 free dogs, too bad for you
I won't reply. <br>Your dog must meet these qualifications:<br>-6x4 or up (no imports!)<br>-Be younger then 1 year<br><br>You must have:<br>-At least 2 dogs in one of your kennels fully trained<br>-No mutts bred by you<br>-No untrained dogs that had litters<br>-No dogs at your kennel you bred with dogs 4x4 or lower (lines are an exception<br>-A gracious attitude<br><br><br>Personally, I think that if you know how to play virtualpups, you can easily have everything I listed.<br>If you qualify, message me soon, or else you won't get the chance for free training!
Accidentally deleted my signature :/ Whoops :0


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