A little premeture I'm sure but I just thought to get this up here so that everyone will know what is comming up.<br><br>Prizes <br>From Darkist<br>-About 85Million<br>-A Goodie Dye<br>- A three of a kind Color - Virus Enshrouded W/ Glitched Eyes N Static Wings<br><br>From Whiney<br>Some perdy 10x4's<br>One of her 10x4 Personal Breads Angelic Inu Terrier <br><a href="
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1641472&view=1" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://virtualpups.com/index.php?r=dog/view&id=1641472&view=1</a> <br>A rare 9x4<br>And three Gifties<br><br>So Whiney and I are going to be holding the trainoff, date to be added we just have to collect our dogs.<br><br>BUUUTTTT We may let one or two more people partner up with us. Message me if you want to enter your dogs and have good prizes.
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
I Keith Urban!
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
I Keith Urban!
I Keith Urban!