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Banned words

edited June 2010 in General Discussion
There seems to be some confusion about banned words and what can and cannot be used.<br><br>You are always welcome to ask an Op <span style="color:blue">privately</span> if a word you want to use is alright, but in most cases, you probably already know.<br><br>A great rule of thumb is if you think or know a word can't be used, find another descriptive word that can. What you cannot do is leave it up to the reader's imagination or let them fill in the blanks. For every banned word, there are hundreds of words that aren't banned, that aren't going to get you into trouble.<br><br>Damn, hell and ass are accepted words, as long as they aren't directed at another player, as in you can't call another player an ass or tell another player to go to hell. <br><br>Lmfao, and similar chatspeak is accepted because it's prevalent in most online communication. You just can't spell it out or you use an alternative.. laughing my farting ass off.
<span style="background-color: rgb(255, 204, 0);">Along for the ride!</span><br>


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