So as many of you know I work at a humane society. <br><br>Because so many of the dogs are under socialized and have unpredictable temperments, we have very strict rules about visiting the kennels. <br><br><br>Our rules read as the following (these are posted on the door right before you enter the kennel area) <br>1. DO NOT stick your fingers into the kennels. <br>2. DO NOT attempt to feed or pet any dog without a staff's approval <br>3. DO NOT leave children under the age of 15 alone in the kennels. <br>4. DO NOT attempt to open any kennels. <br>5. If you wish to see a dog, please ask a staff member. <br><br><br><br>Now here I am, cleaning and organizing and I hear the door open. I peek around the corner to see these 2 boys, about 8 years old walk in. I wait, thinking thier parent is right behind them. But no one comes. <br><br>Me: "Excuse me, is your parent here?" <br>Boys: "No." <br>Me: "Then I'll have to ask you to leave. You have to be 15 to be in here by yourself." <br>Boys: "You can't tell us what to do!" <br>Me: "Yes, I can. Now I ask that you please leave for your own safety as well as the dogs." <br>Boys: "Then why are you in here by yourself?" <br>Me: "I work here. Can you please go find your parent, then you can come back if they are with you." <br>Boys: "NO!" (they proceed to walk over to the kennels and stick their fingers in the kennels) <br>Me: "Boys, please don't do that!" <br>Boys: -ignore me- <br>Me: -walks back to get boss, keeping my eye on them- <br><br>My BOSS had to go track down their parent who was at the OTHER shelter at the bottom of the hill. <br><br><br>Oh.My.Goodness.
