So, there's this TOTALLY... um, <span style="font-style:italic">attractive </span>guy in my grade *Jake* will be his story name here. So anyway, all since last year in 7th grade, I've fallen headfirst in love.He is Mr. Popular, all the girls like him making it hard to even talk to him. So the end of this year, 8th grade, he FINALLY asked me out! He was giving me a good-bye for summer hug in the hall and a bunch of people commented that we looked great together (He is 6'2 and I'm 5'10) and he said<"Yeah, I know. We just fit together, you know?" And he looked down and like, I could literally see into his <span style="font-style:italic">soul</span>. Then he said, "We can't be apart the whole summer! Wanna go out?'' and everyone started awwww-ing. It was <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">AMAZING</span></span>! Last year he barely looked at me and now, he's just soooo sweet.! Now I can't wait for summer! Now I'm going to grad and he'll be there! I'm so excited!