So awhile ago my bouyfriend bought me a kitten, and made a deal with my mom thathe would pay for any vet bills for the cat he would pay for him to get fixed. Well Sabastian(the kitten) started coughing and sneezing and weezing a while ago and my mom thought he had a cold, so Dustin (my boyfriend) and i went to the vet.<br> He was very nice i told him that i though Sabby had a cold and the vet gave me cold medicine, it took all of 15 minutes and the vet never felt the kitten listened to his breathing anything like that, which i thought was very odd buy didnt really look to much into it. <br>I gave Sabby the medicine and he got a little bit better, then a while ago he got really bad. He coughing and weezing would wake me up at night. So Dustin made another appointment with a different vet.<br>Turns out Sabastian has bronchitis
we got the right medicine and he is doing great now!<br>it just erks me that the other vet never checked his breathing or anything like that. He based his kitty diagnose on what i had said i thought the kitten had. Blah! <br>All i can say is i wont be going to that vet again xD<br><br>oh yeah and the other vet never mentioned anything about worming Sabby, so we thought he had worms (ate like he was starving but never gained weight ect.) the other (better) vet took care of that too!<br>:D<br>end rant
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.