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Anyone know .?

Dose anyone know the best way to make banners? as in the sight, downloads ect. just as long as i dont have to sepnd any money(:<br><br>*P.S. Illa back (: i missed you guys!
Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik


  • You mean to get pictures for banners? I'd suggest going through Flickr, or DeviantArt to find images under creative commons. Just be sure to read the rules of the artist. Some search engines such as Google and Yahoo also have advanced options for finding creative commons material. <br><br>For resources, such as brushes and what not, I'd also suggest DeviantArt. Once again, remember to read what the artist stipulates. I don't know what program you use, but you could also try googling things like "free photoshop brushes" or "free brushes for gimp."
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • would you happen to know what would be good for making a banner? as in photoshop, Gimp, ect.
    Bred the first 6x4 Prazsky Krysarik
  • If you have the money to spare, get a new or old version of Photoshop Elements. Photoshop Elements has both advanced and basic tools for photo editing. Version 8 is currently out, and costs about $100(not including rebates or deals you may find), but you could probably find older versions for much cheaper. I've been using the extremely old 2.5 version, and it works find for me.<br><br>If you don't have money to buy programs, then download gimp. I don't use it because I have the programs you have to pay for, but everyone that uses gimp seems to give it really high reviews.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Try downloading the free photoshop CS5 trail. It only lasts 30days though.

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
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