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edited June 2010 in Vent
I just exploded.<br>I was suppose to get my car fixed this week, well my mom just told me she doesn't know how long it is going to take and that I'm not gonna get to move this weekend.<br>I told her I hated it here and there is never anything to do and that I want to start my life, and she told my dad and my dad took it the wrong way.<br>He's known ever since we moved here that I wanted to go back to Alabama, all I ever do here is sit in my room - my parents are always working and I don't talk to my friends here because of the fact that I am moving.<br>I just want to be with my boyfriend.<br>Start my job.<br>Get my own place.<br>I <span style="font-style:italic">want</span> to be an adult and they don't treat me like it.<br>My dad freaked out and said that if I hated it here so much get on a bus/plane and head up there, then he was like start packing your things we are gonna drop you off. blahblahblah. Mr. Drama Queen.<br>It's okay to be a parent, but chill the freak out.<br><br>I probably won't be on much this week until I figure out moving plans.
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