<span style="font-weight:bold">Rant 1</span><br><br>I don't even know who my twin brother is anymore. He spends hours upon hours on a social networking site each day, appears to take no interest in our family except when he's getting money, has poor grades(Fs!!), and nearly didn't graduate.<br><br> He'll be entering into college in the fall, and since I'm already in my second year I can tell he's setting himself up to fail. A lack of discipline, and an abundance of distractions are what caused his high school mess up. College is not just like high school. It takes time to find a routine, and you are required to do your work. If you slack off, you get kicked out because you are no longer a child. Plain and simple. Well guess what he wants? A new girlfriend. Relationships take time, energy, money, and commitment. It's find if he wants to date, but I don't think right before you enter your first year of college is a good idea to get one. Especially since he slacked off in high school, has no money, no job, and will be relying on me for transportation. All of the above put stress on relationships, and will most likely cause it to fail. His priorities are clearly to please himself NOW, instead of taking into consideration his future, and how his choices will effect it. I can't stand that, especially since it puts stress on the whole family.<br><br>
<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Rant 2</span><br><br> Also about my brother. He has a potty mouth so I'm going to replace his word with "jerk."<br><br> I'm sick of him calling me lazy, and a jerk. I've worked my butt off to get where I am, and I don't think he realizes that I almost gave up a few times. Lazy would have been actually giving up. My grades and where I am in life in comparison to his definitely show I'm not lazy. Asking "Hey, can you get me a drink?" is not being lazy. It's asking a favor. Giving advice, but only hearing what he wants doesn't mean I'm a jerk. It means he need to just calm down and respect what I have to say, whether he applies it to his life or not.<br><br> Seriously I'm so sick of being called a jerk that I'm going to show him what being a jerk really is. I'm not intentionally doing anything to him because that would really make me a jerk, but I'm switching over to tough love. I'm not going to play with him, lend out my things, listen to his stories, get him food, give advice, etc. Once all the nice things I do are gone, hopefully he'll see that maybe I wasn't as mean as he used to say I was. <br><br> Just yesterday I was playing a game I just bought and he wanted to play it.<br><br> Bro: Can I play your game when you're done?<br> Me: No<br> Bro: Why not? You let me play your other game.<br> Me: I'm a jerk now. Jerks don't let other people play their games. <br><br> Hopefully he'll figure it out since I used his descriptive word for me.You can't call someone a jerk one say, and then expect them to give you things the next day.
I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through