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Weird Incapability

I am completely incapable of braiding my <span style="font-style:italic">own</span> hair. Is that not weird? I just can't do it! xD<br><br>Anyone else have a weird incapability of some sort?


  • Dont worry..I have the same problem. lol
  • difficult for me to paint my own nails xD<br><br>I can braid my hair though... just dont ever do it xD
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I don't think I can braid my hair either. xD I haven't tried to recently, though. It makes my hair sooo wavy. I had to do this crown braid because I was in our school's musical, and whenever I'd take it out afterwards it would be like POOOOOOOOF WAVES. xD
  • Aha! Glad I'm not alone. xD Lol.<br><br>I can paint my nails fine, but of course it's difficult when I'm doing my right hand. Because I'm right-handed.<br><br>SANDY I LOVE WAVY HAIR. <3 - POOF. :D
  • I'm... incapable of anything that requires girly perfection. LOL<br><br>Meaning.<br>I dont put my hair up, cause I cant even manage a smooth pony tail >.><br>I dont paint my nails, that's what 7$ an a manicure is for :)<br>I dont use makeup, i'll probably poke my eyes out! even if I try to put on lipstick. <br><br><br>Lol so yeaaa... >.><br>Fail... :D lol!
  • i cant put my hair up either D; <br>I feel so stupid :[
  • @SandPiper; xD I can apply makeup fine and paint my nails. My hair is super stubborn, likes to part itself and I only <span style="font-style:italic">just</span> learned to easily slip it into an okay-ponytail.<br><br>@Tiffer; No biggy! I can hardly do ANYTHING with my hair, too! The most is a ponytail for me. Anything pretty is beyond my skills. xD It's just the way your hair is, probably.
  • I can't do anything 8D
  • I hate that.<br>I can French braid, and curl everyone's hair. <br>Paint everyone else's nails perfectly. <br>But when it comes to my own person. <br>I can barely Straighten my hair. <br>let alone -anything- nice and pretty.
    we will see
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  • I used to suck at painting my own nails, but now I have a pretty fair sized collection of polish and what not. I think I just needed a lot of practice.<br><br>As for braiding, I can't do it on the back of my head. I can do all kinds of braids, but they have to be done like pigtails.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
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