I am completely incapable of braiding my <span style="font-style:italic">own</span> hair. Is that not weird? I just can't do it! xD<br><br>Anyone else have a weird incapability of some sort?
I don't think I can braid my hair either. xD I haven't tried to recently, though. It makes my hair sooo wavy. I had to do this crown braid because I was in our school's musical, and whenever I'd take it out afterwards it would be like POOOOOOOOF WAVES. xD
Aha! Glad I'm not alone. xD Lol.<br><br>I can paint my nails fine, but of course it's difficult when I'm doing my right hand. Because I'm right-handed.<br><br>SANDY I LOVE WAVY HAIR. - POOF.
I'm... incapable of anything that requires girly perfection. LOL<br><br>Meaning.<br>I dont put my hair up, cause I cant even manage a smooth pony tail >.><br>I dont paint my nails, that's what 7$ an a manicure is for <br>I dont use makeup, i'll probably poke my eyes out! even if I try to put on lipstick. <br><br><br>Lol so yeaaa... >.><br>Fail... lol!
@SandPiper; xD I can apply makeup fine and paint my nails. My hair is super stubborn, likes to part itself and I only <span style="font-style:italic">just</span> learned to easily slip it into an okay-ponytail.<br><br>@Tiffer; No biggy! I can hardly do ANYTHING with my hair, too! The most is a ponytail for me. Anything pretty is beyond my skills. xD It's just the way your hair is, probably.
I hate that.<br>I can French braid, and curl everyone's hair. <br>Paint everyone else's nails perfectly. <br>But when it comes to my own person. <br>I can barely Straighten my hair. <br>let alone -anything- nice and pretty.
I used to suck at painting my own nails, but now I have a pretty fair sized collection of polish and what not. I think I just needed a lot of practice.<br><br>As for braiding, I can't do it on the back of my head. I can do all kinds of braids, but they have to be done like pigtails.
I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!
we will see
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