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Unmade imports for bid

edited May 2010 in Auction
<span style="color:blue">I dont use unmade imports and i have many so here are 20 i am auctioning off</span><br><br>1.<br>2.<br>3.<br>4.<br>5.<br>6.<br>7.<br>8.<br>9.<br>10.<br>11.<br>12.<br>13.<br>14.<br>15.<br>16.<br>17.<br>18.<br>19.<br>20.<br><br>SB: 100k each<br>HB?<br>BIN? 800k each <br><br><span style="color:violet">Also i can get these at anytime so whe nthe BIN is reached i will get them right away.... So hurry and Bin it! :D</span><br><span style="color:red">I reserve all rights</span>
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