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Bay Town, TX

edited May 2010 in Vent
So, my boyfriend is staying a week at his older sisters house in Bay Town next week and he wants me to go with him.. One problem.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">My Parents</span><br><br>His sister owns a dental company, her husband is a lawer, they adopted a few young children, and are very good people. Together they bring in about a million dollars a year.<br><br>Therefor, the security around their two story house is extremely good. It's in a great neighborhood with a cop living just a few houses down from them. Still one problem.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">My Parents</span><br><br>I've tried telling them that I would be perfectly safe. So they start asking about sleeping arrangements and I tell them: The house has 8 bedrooms. Joey's Room. Joey's lil brothers room. Joey's sister & her husbands room. Then each of their kids have their own room. Plus two guest bedrooms. I explain that Joey will be in his room upstairs and that I will be downstairs in the room <span style="font-weight:bold">RIGHT</span> across the hall from his sister and her hunsband. They <span style="font-weight:bold">STILL</span> say:<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline">No</span><br><br>You guys have any suggestions on how to talk them into letting me go? I really think this is just a trust issue, but they need to realize that whatever trouble I could get into there; I could just as easily get into the same kind of trouble here at home.<br><br>Anyways, any ideas guys?<br><br><span style="font-style:italic">P.S. I know this isn't really a ranting type post, just I knew that I would most likely get frustrated while typing this so I thought it needed to be under the vent area xD</span>


  • Well... my parents are the same way.<br>More than likely, you're not getting to go no matter what you try, you'll just end up in more trouble/tense situation at home...<br><br>If it were me, which you aren't obviously butt... I'd "stay with a friend" and go. I mean technically a boy-friend is a 'friend'.<br>But that's just my twisted logic =P<br><br>Good luck though.
  • hehe thats a good idea.. i wonder if i could get away with that.. ive been on the phone with joey for the past hour trying to think of ways to go.. his grand solution is to just sneak out and go anyways... lol im like "no..."
  • Say you're going on a trip with a friend and have their parents cover for you?<br>=P<br>/devious.
  • hehehe Anna's parents would prolly do that *Steals buffy's idea and runs away* lol buffy, you remind me of myself for some reason xD
  • Buffy wrote:
    Well... my parents are the same way.<br>More than likely, you're not getting to go no matter what you try, you'll just end up in more trouble/tense situation at home...<br><br>If it were me, which you aren't obviously butt... I'd "stay with a friend" and go. I mean technically a boy-friend is a 'friend'.<br>But that's just my twisted logic =P<br><br>Good luck though.
    <br><br>Sorry but Vampy is OUT of this one... im a sweet little angel...<br><span style="font-size:59">And a bad liar</span>
  • hah! Vampy you <span style="font-weight:bold">ARE</span> a bad liar, but that's a good thing xD<br><br>I've had to lie our way outta trouble before while you stood there scared to death of lying xD
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