You know.. your dog isn't going to be that color. It cuts off and will only say:<br><br>
Burnt Face w/ Red and Green Striped Sweater and
<br><br>Just so you and some bidders are aware that the color won't be as its listed.
<br><br>If you send a ticket into orbis world about this and have the color fixed and just cut off the "and", I'll more than gladly keep my bid, but if not I will have to retract. I'm a big nut when it comes to giftie spelling/errors/capitalization.
You know.. your dog isn't going to be that color. It cuts off and will only say:<br><br>
Burnt Face w/ Red and Green Striped Sweater and
<br><br>Just so you and some bidders are aware that the color won't be as its listed.
<br><br>If you send a ticket into orbis world about this and have the color fixed and just cut off the "and", I'll more than gladly keep my bid, but if not I will have to retract. I'm a big nut when it comes to giftie spelling/errors/capitalization.
What do mean? like completely get rid of it or change it? lol im just confussed xD but ill be glad to fix whatever you mean.
No not completely get rid of it. xD Contact support, send in a ticket to Orbis world and have them fix the color. They can correct the color so it says<br><br>"Burnt Face w/ Red and Greed Striped Sweater" because there is a character limit and that's all that will fit. <br><br>Make an acount on Orbis World if you haven't, (Scroll down to the bottem of you screen and it'll say 'orbis world') c:<br><br>Then send in a ticket with all the proper information.
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"