<span style="font-weight:bold">What would you like to be seen fixed/updated? Or any errors/spelling mistakes corrected. These ideas will go to Ari and Nate who will do what they can.</span> <br><span style="font-style:italic">Am starting this again as quite a few things were done on the other list, and would be nice for some fresh ideas.</span><br><span style="font-size:85"><span style="color:#0000BF"><br>- Able to accept contracts for $0 when cash is in the negatives<br>- Able to pull contracts at any time, aka get rid of the “expires one day, three days, one week” or have an option to have contracts be able to be pulled any time<br><br>- Breed pages - still have old VP layout, should be updated<br>- Breed pages > an expanded message board that pushes old posts to another page instead of deleting them<br>- Breed pages > a date stamp and time on messages posted on breed pages<br><br>- Change unnamed dogs to have dog number ie Puppy#12345.<br>- Being able to retire dogs at 6mo instead of over 1yr.<br>- Having a brood option - not for the actual process itself, but being able to let the general public know that you would be willing to lease out this dog for breeding purposes.<br><br>- Remove all dogs from boarding option for boarding kennels.<br>- Allow dogs to be boarded whilst on a contract<br>- To be able to put dogs that are listed for sale or stud into boarding, and keep them up for sale or stud. And be able to put dogs up for sale/stud when they're already in boarding without pulling them.<br>- Have better effects when boarding a dog.<br><br>- Prestige Kennels have a better eventing bonus because they're not too interesting besides the create 8 events per day, or/and able to event more dogs per virtual week/day.<br>- A Remove all dogs from club option (Prestige Kennels)<br><br>- Able to transfer available fame points between kennels (fame rating cannot be transferred)<br>- Make fame points that you use on dogs stats make a better difference.<br>- More use for fame.<br><br>- All accounts online show on community online list, but give kennels ability to turn off visibility<br>- When searching for a Specialty Kennel, if you click the Next 20 button it brings up all of the kennels on VP.<br><br>- Also, similar to how players cannot neuter dogs when there are bids on them, I think dogs should not be able to be released/retired while there are bids on them (the bids should have to be deleted first.) Especially when dogs are released, if you have a bid on them it shows up in your bookmarks but you cannot delete it.<br>- Being able to clear bookmarks on dogs. My bookmarks is currently filled with bookmarks from the old owner of the kennel.<br>- Something to let you know if your bid is declined on a dog<br><br>- being able to search events by what breed group they're for. Like being able to search for weight pull events for hounds, or flyball for the toy group, or mushing for the feral group<br>- I would like to see some type of trials on VP for eventing. Kinda VHR but more doggish, I guess.</span><br><br>- Super RH<br>- Fix/reinstate the option to donate VPC to rescue kennels<br>- Able to edit kennel layout even when no dogs are in the kennel<br>- Min/max $ search option<br>- An updated club list!<br>- The Welsh Water Dog also does not have a breed group, but I'm not sure if it needs one because it's a personal breed.<br>- When turning a dog in heat, it says, "Name Of Dog is in heat heat and ready to breed."<br>- Automatic transferring of dogs between linked kennels.<br>- Be able to lock your turns so you don't accidentally age dogs<br>- Transfer unmade imports between linked kennels<br>- Find a use for vaccinations. Currently they cost to use but do absolutely nothing.<br>- When you neuter/release a dog and that dog had pups before it was nuetered, you can't just view its bloodlines to view all the pups for some reason. nothing shows up, correct so they do show up whether neutered or entire.<br>- when retiring a dog, it says "dog has gone to retirement retirement center". There should only be one retirement...<br><br><br>- It would be nice to have the option to purchase a sponsor account for less than a full year (e.g. 6 months, 3 months, 1 month options). <span style="color:blue">Done</span><br>- The option to buy more changes for sponsors with USD.<span style="color:blue">Done</span><br>- Help files also still have the old layout and haven't been updated in a while <span style="color:#4000BF">Done</span><br>- Upgrade VP forums to PHPBB3 <span style="color:blue">Done</span><br>- Disable comments on the breed info pages, or at least delete all current messages. <span style="color:#4000FF">Done</span><br>- Date stamps on Private Messages in game. <span style="color:blue">Done</span><br>- Can we please have the bug fixed that makes all pups born in a breeding kennel be in heat? <span style="color:#4000FF">Done</span><br></span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Spelling corrections:</span><br><span style="font-size:85"><br><span style="font-style:italic">- Aarwolf should be spelt Aardwolf <br>- When you use an incorrect username/password combination or don't have cookies enabled, on that page it says "Cookies must be enables!" It should say "Cookies must be enabled!" <br>- Cattle Herding instead of Cattle Hearding in events<br>- King Charles Cavilier Spaniel should be; Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. (Or at least change the 'Cavilier' to 'Cavalier'.)<br>- Neopolitan Mastif should have 2 F's.<br>- TyrannoMastiff should have a space between the words.<br>- Wolf, Arctic should be changed to Arctic Wolf.<br>- Ferril really should be changed to Feral<br>- victem (Suppose to be Victim) [I Found it on the main Page (Where you can find the imports if your a sponsor) Its the second to last paragraph the sentence reads: "We do not promise getting the victem their playcash/losses back"] <br>- On the contracts page: "A lease contract is an automated contract between you and another player over a dog. As a dog owner, you initially create the lease offer, (and) when the other party accepts the contract, the dog is automatically transfered to their stable (kennel). You may claim your dog back when the time expires for the expiration period. If the turns expire, the dog will automatically be transfered (transferred) back to your stable (kennel).<br>Protection These (these) contracts provide: "<br>-On the front page: "Veteren (Veteran) Rewards are here!"<br>- In the help files: <br>(Current spelling) → (Correct Spelling)<br>Intelegence → Intelligence<br>Addaptibility → Adaptability</span><br></span>
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