So at my work I am in charge of training new employees.<br>The other day we got in a new girl.<br>While standing in the hallway I noticed a lightbulb burnt out.<br>As I was reaching up to unscrew it I called over my shoulder to my trainee,<br><br>Me: "Run into the backroom quick and get me a lightbulb where I showed you."<br><br>Trainee: "I don't want to. The owners are back there and they're talking in a weird language. It's creepy."<br><br>Me: *pause* "They're from Poland, not outerspace. They're not going to bite you."<br><br>Trainee: "But I feel so weird walking past them and they're talking in polandese."<br><br>Me: "What is po-land-ese?"<br><br>Trainee: "You know, their language... from Poland."<br><br>Me: *stares* "....You mean Polish."<br><br>Trainee: "No I don't, silly. That's the name of a sausage."<br><br>Me: *sigh* <br><br><br>Where do we find these people
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
Check out my new rescue program, soon to be up and ready!