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edited May 2010 in Vent
Im just so irritated, ok so im home schooled and im takeing 6 classes this term im 22 lessons behind in english, BUT im finished with 3 of my classes a month early, almost done with a 4th and Im passing with a C or higher all my classes.<br><br>I pay for all three of my horses care wise, i pay for anything Fun I want to do, heck im out at my trainers barn every day and i usualy by myself and her lunch. I pay for my own horse shows. I mean they have not buaght me anything besides at christmas since we moved in with them, I dont ask them for anything either.<br><br>I dont do bad stuff, I dont lie to them ( i rather tell them the truth then get in trouble for it later on). I dont hang out with the wrong crowd.<br>Yet they treat me like Im irresponsible, go behind there backs and do stuff, they treat me like they cant trust me and that im a bad teenager.<br><br>Idk they stress me out so bad. This past year ive lost almost everything I lost my first horse the day i came home from fair, my mom died a few days later, and then my cat who was liek a baby ( my mom got me him for my birthday) passed away 2 months later. Considering what ive gone threw im doing good, and all they seem to do is treat me like im not good enough and even though they always tell me andother people how responsible I am i dont see it in there actions or words.


  • It depends. I'm assuming this family is either your foster family, or your father/stepmother family. If you're new to the foster family, maybe just give them some time and prove it to them?<br><br>And if it's your stepmom/biological father, then your dad should know better.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Maybe it's just your age. <br>I had no real reason not to be trusted, and my mom stopped trusting me for awhile when I went from preteen to teen.<br><br>Or maybe they do feel they have a reason, and it's just not clear to you. Have you tried asking? I'd suggest telling them that you feel they aren't trusting you, and then see where that goes.<br><br>Good luck~ I hope things get better for you.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Wow, I am sorry for your losses. D:<br><br>My parents have treated me like I'm 5 ever since...well, forever.<br>My dad has finally let go because I am moving out but my mom annoys me to high heaven, but she's just being a mom. And I admit I have done some things that I am not proud of, but we learn from our mistakes and move on, right? Sometimes parents are just being parents and they love you.
  • <span style="font-size:92">I hate this!<br>My dad won't let me pour a cup of freaking milk without him saying "Let me do this." or "Ahhh! Slow down!" when I'm not even going fast OR "Honey, be careful." its like WTH. D: I'm like "Dad! I can do it by myself. Calm down. I'm not five!! >.> Jeez!!"<br><br>gahhhh.<br>anyways.<br>asdferiosfhyweus.<br>xD sorry just had to get that out.<br><br>Now, back to you. I am so sorry that you have <br>been through all those losses. I personally think <br>that your parents should trust you more.</span>
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