This kid is always in my face about things.<br>Like i told my friend about something. Then he will come up in my face and say what i told my friend in a voice like I'm a really special person <br><span style="font-size:75">(hopefully you get at what I'm saying)</span><br>So i tell him at least 5 times to get out of my face. So then he keeps doing it but know making fun of me. There was no teacher in the room. So i poke him with my pencil no intention of hurting him just to get him away. But the tip ends up in his hand cause the way HE flung my pencil. It didn't even break thru the skin when i poked him. So he goes and tells the teacher when she gets back in the room. He I'm the kid who never ever was in trouble with the school before and that kid has been. So i get two lunch detentions -.-. I want to be out of this school district so bad. Its not even fair. He isn't getting in-trouble for bulling my . I even filled out this form for the office to tell them about the bullying. Plus he has done this to plenty of people before . This school makes me mad. I just want it to be summer.<br><br><br> He also made me snap. Ive been stressing out about getting good grades. I'm always expected to get amazing grades (which i understand i need to be able to go to school to be a vet or whatever i end up being.) And it doesn't help I'm a mess cause this friday the 30th will also be the 9th year of my dad dieing. And thinking can this week get even worse ? Yes it can . My birthday is Sunday which means family members will be all happy Birthday and i really could careless about it . <br><br><br>Thanks to all who read :P <br><br>PS : <span style="font-size:67">I'm trying not make anyone mad about how i stated it. If i do sorry and ban me from the game or forums if needed</span>
