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What's her problem;;

edited May 2010 in Vent
Okay, so there is this girl that I go to school with - not the same one that I posted about last time - and she is starting to get ridiculous.<br><br>We shall call her Nicki.<br><br>Well the other day before school, we were all sitting in one of our math teachers classrooms waiting on the bell to ring to start class.<br><br>Nicki is sitting next to my friend Sandy, and we were all talking. Well, my friend Delia has an older brother that ive only been around like twice. He flipped me off so i threw a pillow at him.<br><br>Nicki - right in front of my boyfriend - said, "and you say I flirt with Jose, Delia" i was like "What the heck..?" Well, I let it go and brushed it off although it annoyed me. Well she writes things like "nicki owns" on my boyfriends hand a lot.. and he always washes it off when she walks away.<br><br>Well, today at lunch we were outside at the picnic tables after we had all eaten, waiting on the bell to ring. My boyfriend was sitting next to me and we were talking to our friends. So, Chance comes up behind him and jokingly tries to pull my boyfriend off the table.<br><br>Well, Nicki - right in front of me - said "Hey, he's my property!" and it REALLY mad me mad for some reason! So I got up and walked away. I was so mad, my eyes were starting to water.<br><br>Later, walking to 8th period, Delia and Vampy told me that after I walked off, Nicki said that I had no right to be mad about what she said.<br><br>Vampy and Delia say that she needs to stop saying things like that and they can understand why it's making me mad and upsetting me..<br><br>What do you guys think though..? I mean, it's really starting to bug me, but I really don't know if I SHOULD be mad about it or not..


  • I'd be ticked off too! I think you have every right to be upset, and I really applaud you for just walking away. I think you should present your feelings to her, and tell her that she needs to stop, or you're not going to be hanging around her anymore. That's what I would do. If the person can't respect you, then there is no point in letting them hang around so they can hurt you more.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • I probably wouldnt have gotten upset because stuff like that doesnt usually tend to bother me. However, I would be telling her if she didnt leave him along I'd be kicking her to the curb because I had ther friends who actually respected my relationships and didnt try to steal/interefere them. :)
  • At least I know that I had a right to be upset. I think that some of the reason is that I dont feel good enough for him? but i know thats crazy.. lol<br><br>Pics of us <3<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • I'd be mad. ;P <br><br>You guys are so cute together(: And you're so pretty!
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • All i can say is that im sorry and i probably wouldnt have handled it as camly as you did lol Im very opinionated! Anyways My sugegstion would be to ignore her and not let her know that she is getting to you. Its like haveing a little brotehr and sister, they annoy you becuase they know that what they do annoys you. If you dont let them bother you they eventually stop.
  • I'd be mad. ;P <br><br>You guys are so cute together(: And you're so pretty!
    <br><br>lol thank you Sunny =)<br><br>3521: thats what my mom has been telling me.. its just hard to not let it bother me ya know? we didnt have school today but i told my brother that i was gonna talk to her about it tomorrow and ask her to stop.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">Update on Story:</span></span></span><br><br>Nicki's mom messaged me on facebook telling me that it hurt her to see me being mean to her daughter. I respectfully messaged her back and told her that I hadn't said anything to her daughter about it and had just been walking away. A few of my friends backed me up on it, then her cousin messaged me cursing at me and I was like "No.. This is dumb. Leave me alone.."<br><br>I have no idea what to do; Especially now that she's getting other people involved in it.. *sigh* at least Vampy's brother told me that the drama ends when you enter college. I hope hes right.
  • Omg! I'm sorry! I didn't know you couldn't type the name of that website 0.0 I'll be sure to leave it out next time! D=
  • Thats just pathetic that she has to get other people involved to do her dirty work. Id also talk to your boyfriend and ask him if he would tell her to stop when she did the kind of stuff like claim him as her own exc.
  • yea i told him that its bothering me and stuff and he said that her upsetting me was stating to tick him off. but ill talk to him when he gets off work tonight. thats a good idea.. im urprised i didnt think of it -_- lol i feel kinda dumb now (not cuz of you)
  • lol good luck and I hope everything turns out good in the end :)
  • okay so.. something VERY wierd happened. Im in my first period computer class right now so this is the latest update.<br><br><span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">Update:</span></span></span><br><br>So, this morning before school, I walked into my frist period class to put my bags up and asked my boyfriend if he wanted to walk outside with me. So we went to put his stuff in his first period English class.<br><br>Nicki was in there, and she said hey to me and told me that she had seen my new pics on my website (I remembered that I couldn't put the name of the website lol)<br><br>Well, I was expecting something mean from her, but instead she was like "There were pretty and I love the dress your wearing to Prom Saturday; It's pretty." I just kinda stood there in shock and was like "Uhh.. Thanks" then I left. I asked my boyfriend if he had talked to her and he said no.<br><br>So, maybe her mom did? I have no idea what to think. Maybe she's just tricking me or something?
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