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edited April 2010 in General Discussion
<span style="font-size:75">Hi everyone!<br>I'm not really sure what all I should be posting in this..<br>besides..."hi" (;<br>I'm new myself to this whole VP thing..<br>But I have been looking over Andi's shoulder since she started.<br>I'm Andi's cousin, in case anybody cared. hah<br>She seemed to have quite the group of friends around here.<br>I hope to be the same way!<br>(:<br>So be sure to be on the lookout for my layouts and such.<br>And feel free to ask me anything you'd like,<br>I know a noob could be quite the spectacle.<br>Love and jellybeans,<br>Celeste.<br><br>P.S. Andi is doing fine, she had some complications with her pregnancy, I can put you in direct contact with her or I can give you updates if anyone would like. But I'm not sure that she'll ever be returning to VP. ):</span>


  • Heyy :D<br>Welcome Welcome Welcome to the VP world :D<br>You were recruited by Andi? xD<br>anyyyyway if you need any help you can always pm me :)
  • Hiiiii =D Welcome to VP. HOpe you like it and have fun!<br><br>You can call me garnet or moon or just whatever you feel like calling me lol and pm me if you ever have questions or just wanna chat =)<br><br>My VP kennel is called Blazin' Castle Kennel and my player name is Inflamed Garnet \m/^.^\m/
  • Welcome to VP!<br>Me and Andi are salt && vinegar chip buddehs.<br>O__o<br>ANYWAYS!<br><br>I do not bite (usually) and I love friendss. :D<br>Mah name is Kaley. Call idontreallycarejustmakeupanameformeorelseiwillhurtyew!<br>heh, justkiddin.<br>maybe.<br>(;
  • Hi Im Cybe. Call me whatever you want. Welcome! :]
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