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edited April 2010 in Vent
so..<br>My mom picked me up from school today. <br>At the time I had no idea why she would be picking me up so early, with no prior Plans. Normally when she picks me up she waits for me at the Attendance office but she was no were to be found. -Long story short- My mom's Fiancée Passed in his sleep last night. <br>This isn't so much a rant, as an expression of concern and feelings. <br><br>I'm not a very comforting person, and to be perfectly honest I'm stuck. I sat with her and talked about all the good memories, and various things that had to do with Jeff. But I don't really know where to go from there.<br><br>I'm sure this entire thread was a little hard to understand or whatever. I just can’t seem to put my thoughts in words currently.
we will see
Please Pm me if I win


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