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Do real friends act this way?

edited April 2010 in Vent
Okay so like, This Girl - We will call her Mary (Fake Name) - was one of my best friends. I told her everything and we always laughed when we were around each other no matter how bad of a mood either of us was in.<br><br>All year, I've had a crush on this kid we go to school with and all my friends knew about it. But, Mary, would never tell us who she was crushing on, so it became like a game to guess who it was.<br><br>Well, I found out the hard way. The day I started dating the guy I'd been crushing on all year, she got mad at me saying that i took him away from her and that I didn't like him till I found out that she liked him. She never told me that she liked him. I didn't know anything about it.<br><br>She stopped talking to me for at least a week. Then things went back to normal, but there was tension in our group of friends because of me and her.<br><br>Well, this week she snaps at me if I ask her if shes feeling sick - because she looks pale and like she doesn't feel good - and she even moved a few computers down from me in our computer class.<br><br>Am I wrong to try and still be friends with her, or was she never really a good friend to start with? It's so frustrating to be around her knowing that she hates me just because of who I'm dating.. I sometimes feel like I should just sacrifice my own happiness to make her happy.. =/<br><br>If this post is inapropriate please delete it. It doesn't seem that way to me, but you guys may see it differently.


  • Whatever you do DONT sacrifice your happiness for hers. Its NOT worth it. I've done it more than once, and if I could go back in time and not do it, I would. If shes anything like my used-to-be-friend (who she sounds like) than she just wants a reaction out of you. Tell her something like, "I know youre mad but this is how its gonna be. Im sorry you feel this way, but its not changing anytime soon. If you still want to be friends thats awesome, but if you dont, thats your choice." This will show her that although you still want to be friends with her, she doesnt have total control over your life like (it sounds like) she thinks she does. Continue to hang out with your other friends, make your bonds stronger so you know you always have someone else to turn too. Shes just mad, and if shes <span style="font-style:italic">really</span> your friend, she'll get over it. Otherwise I'd let her go. Because Ive gone through (nearly) the same thing many times, and it just isnt worth it.
  • Friends come and go but true friends won't let small things like that bother them and get mad you :wink:
  • thanks guys. Syb ima try that. Like this morning, we were in the algebra room before school, playing cards this morning and she jumped up on my desk and pushed me outta the way basically...
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