No problem, I didn't know what it was either for the longest time.<br><br>Its a pen and a pad that hook to your computer, so you can draw directly onto Paint, Photoshop, ect. You don't use a mouse, basically. Its just like using a pencil.
Well I know you'll improve, I can see it in the way each drawing is different.<br>I really like the grass one.<br>The sky looks so puffy... I thought it was a picture until I saw the grass. <33
<span style="font-size:75">Do you follow references when you draw? There are a fair amount of anatomical mistakes in you images. Look very close at your ref, and look for the shapes first, not the features. For instance, when I see a bully breed such as a boxer, when drawing the head I start out with a box. Things like that. C:</span>
People who draw amazingly didn't just start drawing amazingly from birth. It takes practice, tons of studying, and pushing through the frustrating part to become the type of artist you want to be. Drawing is something that you can never stop learning about.
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
People who draw amazingly didn't just start drawing amazingly from birth. It takes practice, tons of studying, and pushing through the frustrating part to become the type of artist you want to be. Drawing is something that you can never stop learning about.
<br><br>I was born with amazing drawing abilty 8D<br>*bigego*<br>rofl.<br><br>I actually find it better if you dont reference so much, im at a point where i can hardly draw anything without a ref -.-<br>It sucks bad.
<span style="font-size:75">I used to be that way too, Ell. But then Wert blackmailed me into using them. XD It does help, even though I hate to admit it.</span>
<span style="font-size:75">Oh jeeze. You just started! Of course it's a bit rough! Stop comparing yourself to other artists, otherwise you'll never be able to be proud of what YOU accomplished rather than what THEY accomplished.</span>
<span style="font-size:75">Both. Sometimes my doodles(no shapes) don't turn out well, sometimes I like them better! But the majority of the time I do circles, squares and lines.</span>
<span style="font-size:75">Then work with something you understand! Lines, squares, smiley faces. Every artist has their unique way of working. I can sketch up up I used shapes if you'd like an example though!</span>
People who draw amazingly didn't just start drawing amazingly from birth. It takes practice, tons of studying, and pushing through the frustrating part to become the type of artist you want to be. Drawing is something that you can never stop learning about.
<br><br>I was born with amazing drawing abilty 8D<br>*bigego*<br>rofl.<br><br>I actually find it better if you dont reference so much, im at a point where i can hardly draw anything without a ref -.-<br>It sucks bad.
<br><br>Thanks for the backup.... :?
"war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
I don't use references or lines, circles, and whatnot.<br>But, most of my art is just cartoon/random stuff. And sometimes I draw horrid on purpose. XD<br>So, don't feel bad Oreo, everyone has their own technique and no one is going to force you to use shapes and references - just do what you feel comfortable with.