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This is our little mutt, Herbie. He's really such a sweetheart. We've had him for about two and a half years. He was abused before we got him, and when we first got him he was afraid of his own shadow. Still he is afraid of men, and will not walk on tile flooring. However, he's always been very affectionate with my boyfriend, it's mainly middle aged men. The undersides of his paws are very damaged. Even now he has anxiety problems. It used to be that we couldn't leave him at home alone uncrated, without risk of him hurting himself or tearing the house apart. Now he just can't bear to be left when we go on trips--he cries at night and won't eat much. He really is the sweetest dog. His ear is always floppy like that; the vet ruled that he was born with it that way, it wasn't due to damage. Herbie loves to rough house, and sheds his white fur all over the place. It's been amazing to see how much he has changed and blossomed in the time that we've had him! He really is one of the sweetest dogs<br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


  • I LOVE his ears. So cute!
  • OMG He is absolutely gorgeous!<br>i have a dog with a broken ear just like that =D<br>It was from breaking the cartilage before he was born, so of course it doesn't hurt or anything, gives him personality.<br>I want him! =D
  • -steals- >.> <.<<br>It was Buffy!<br><br>I love the scarf he has round his neck in the last two pictures xD<br>He is too cute :P
  • @Zagari: Thanks!^^ It really gives him such personality!<br><br>@Buffy: Thank you! Yeah, Herb's always has his floppy, too. It's such a cute thing in dogs, ecspecially when they tilt their head, it's such an "awwww" factor! xD NEEEEUUU! *hugs* MAH PUPPY!<br><br>@Clozo: *runs after with stapler* GIVE ME BACK MAH PUPPPEH! <br>Thank you, it's just a bandana, but I think it suits him well. He doesn't mind being dressed up in some of my brothers shirts (he actually loves the extra attention it merits him xD) but he's too active to leave him in stuff like that, he would hurt himself. But the scarf's never given him any trouble, it just slides right off.
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