so uh..I went on an archery tournament with some kids from my school today!

<br>I mean, it wasn't really all fun and games. I was a bit bummed at some stuff, but it's alright. I really hope that I can go again next year and my senior year. ^^<br>But anywho-You'd like to hear about my trip, si? Well, even if you don't, here it is. ((:<br><br>-I got my mum to take me to schoolio so I got there with enough time to check in my homeroom, converse a bit with some friends, and just flat out do some stuff. She took me to BP first and I bought half the store. XD<br>-I got to schoolio around 7.10, gave Kelly the Vicks that I borrowed from Cassie for my sinus'/allergies, and waited for Chelsey. Chelsey, Lauren and I went down a floor to go check into our homerooms, and then we went back up to the top parking lot and hopped into the female van. XD (it wasn't really planned that way..we just all came to the van with the female teacher instead of the one with the male teacher lol) We got first choice of the donuts she bought us for a little extra breakfast if we didn't eat anything, and off we went for Harrisburg (am I allowed to say that..? I mean..I don't live there, actually quite far from it, and I'm not there I hope it's alright. ;-; )<br>-Since our rent-a-van only had half a tank, we went to the gas station to fill it up. I went in and got my french vanilla cappachino thing thing that I get everytime I go there. (: I usually go there before/after I go to the barn with Drew, btw. Then we set off towards Harrisburg again. XD<br>-We drove for about 2.25 hours and finally got off at one of the rest stops (like the second one we passed at all). And boy was I grateful. XD I mean..I think there was something wrong with my bladder today..or maybe it was just that I was sitting in an uncomfortable seat in a van that was rather bumpy. ;-;<br>-We then set off for Harrisburg again. XD After about 2 more hours of turnpike we stopped at McDonald's for some food. (: I only got a sweet tea..because I never eat lunch, and bought Chelsey a chicken sandwich because her mum gave her boyfriend the $20 instead of her daughter for food. >.> (which upsets me...)<br>-We then managed to go the wrong way to get into the warehouse it was being held at. XD So Shorty (male that also came to the tournament) hops out the van and moves the orange traffic cones off of the sidewalk and both of our vans drive over it to the other parking lot because we couldn't figure out where to go. We then figure out after we park that we ended up not having to pay for entry or parking. XD (I know..bad us, but well..ya know lol oops)<br>-Then we walk inside. It smells like a barn. As soon as we walked in our whole group was like..."What the hell is that smell???" and I'm walkin' like.."yeah..that's the nice nature-y smell of farm animals." XD<br>-We walked over and got our score cards, then went over to our lanes to set down all of our "equipment" for shooting. lol including about 14 bows, and over 60 aluminum arrows...and all the stuff we figured to bring in that we actually took right back to the van lol<br>-Most of us went to the bathroom since we had about an 1.5 hours left until half of us shot on the 5th flight at 13.25 we came back and all conversed, most of the guys were wandering around though.<br>-Then they finally started to get ready and then did their practice round. Zach, David, Amber, Shelby, Shorty and Taylor (you'll hear about him again lol) were on this flight, the rest of us on the 6th flight at 14.35<br>-Shorty and Taylor did horrible their practice round, but didn't do half bad the actual rounds. first it was from 5 metres, and then from 15 metres. Shelby did amazing, I think she got 3 perfects (50 scores) out of the total 6 rounds of 5 arrows each. She ended up ending with a total of 276.<br>-We then all migrated over to the set of lanes we had for our 6th flight. The people that were done shooting before us and just adding up there scores wouldn't move. >.o' we had 5 minutes before our practice round and then they finally realized that they should probably move their asses out of our way so we can actually shoot. XD<br>-I did beyond horrible.... *whimpers* I'm pretty sure it was because I was from my allergy pills and the half a panic attack I was having from all the stress, claustrophobia, etc etc..I was shaking and I wasn't focusing I understand why I did horrible, but I think if I would have realized I was that bad before I got up there to shoot, I could have calmed myself down a little bit..but yeah..I ended up getting the worst shot of everyone that went on the trip from our school..a 148, I still have the damn score card. >.<<br>-So: we then waited for the awards ceremony.<br>--Chelsey got third in all sophomores<br>--Shelby got second in all seniors<br>--Zach got third in all seniors<br>--I believe David got something lol<br>--And we got third place in all schools with our total of 2178 (I know it was 21xx but I'm not 100% positive about the 78..I think it was close to that though.<br>--So we all got a third place medal for team score, we got a trophy (even though it won't get put anywhere in the cases at the school..because apparently archery isn't good enough to get a spot, meanwhile we did better than the damn sexist football team..they had kicked Shelby off after all the years she played..9 I think because the parents were upset that she got started instead of their "male" sons. *rolls eyes in disgust*)<br>-So..we left, I was in much of a better mood, because I realized what I noted before about why I think I did so horrid, along with my hands sweating like it was 500 degrees ;-;<br>-We ended up going to Subway in the middle of Harrisburg..the chocolate chip cookie I wasted a dollar on was disgusting..everyone that tasted it in the van agreed. >.> then there were some creeper guys in there right outside the femme restroom. ;o; it was creepy! XD<br>-But on the ride back I got all icky depressed for some reason. >.< I felt that kinda lonely, missing feeling..not sure who that was about though.<br>-Oh, and about Taylor (since I forgot earlier lol not quite sure how o.O) I found out that I don't think he's just an adorable farm boy now. XD<br>As soon as I realized he was comin' on the trip with us this was like<br><span style="font-size:159">BAM!!!!</span><br>and I realized that I like him. ;-; it was horrible, coz I was focussin' on him a bunch. XD and I was occupied enough to realize that he has that nice farm boy walk that I like. roflmfao but yeah...ya know lol<br><br>So uhh..I think I'm done now. haha<br>So whatcha think? I think it was a damned good experience, even if I was having half a panic attack the whole time and felt like passing out..It was fun, and I missed a day of schoolio. haha