So I know I've been hanging around for the past few days, but I figured I'd start a topic to get to know everyone better!<br><br>I used to play a few years ago. I went by Windi then, and I really don't expect anyone to remember me, as I wasn't very outgoing. I hope to change that this time around. I did have a Sponsor training account for awhile, but I vanished one day, came back a long time later and vanished again--now I can't even rememember the user name -.- <br><br>But I'm back and not planning on going anywhere this time.<br><br>Any tips on showing or how to make money around here would be appreciated, it's been awhile and I'm rather confused. For the time being I'm novice training some dogs, but I hope to eventually save up enough to buy a sponsor kennel.<br><br>But I do go by Aninda, and it's very nice to meet everyone!