<span style="color:darkred">Sorry for abandoning you all!
<br>I've been pretty busy recently with the horse shows and helping mum get everything organised for our holiday in Fiji.<br>But now that the 2 shows are over and we literally say goodbye to about 10 horses that have gone back to their owners, its a lot quieter and Ive been able to get on VP.<br>So for now .. IM BACK. xD<br><br>The internet is quite slow though, so I sometimes do a bit of training .. then get over the slowness.
<br>And because I like bragging. xD I got the first 10x4 Giant Schnauzer a couple of weeks ago! Working on a line of Tibetan Spaniels and a 3-dog line of Saber Tooth Huskies. xD<br>(so if you want to help with training .. pm me! xD)<br><br>Eh.<br>What have I missed?</span>
Training Boarding