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All because . . .

. . . of the horse.<br><br>Some of you may have noticed I haven't been posting as much (or at all. XD) Last time it was because I was taking a hiatus from VP, and was gone for months. This time I've got a reason for occasionally lurking the forums and never having the time to say hi. :D<br><br>I've been in training at my horseback riding place for some years now, riding the school horses and gradually moving on to harder and harder mounts. Well, I've reached the peak of the school program there, and I'm still nowhere near where I'd like to be. :? After a while the old director of the equestrian park asked me to be an instructor's assistant, and I said yes. So I've started shadowing and training up for that. :D But . . . you can't ride horses while filling water buckets and helping young kids tack up. >.><br><br>So the past couple of weeks I've been talking with the head of the competition training program, which is the part of the facility that takes up the entire upper half (my old school stables/rings were below). Here is where I used to watch the magnificent horses and riders go over ridiculously hard jumps, while I'd be like O_________O. From a distance.<br><br>Well, I've just been told by the trainer that I'm well ready to lease a competition horse. I'm now having my lessons with professional instructors and other show-ring experienced riders/horses.<br><br>She's also been introducing me to some of the horses to take a look at! I've been sitting on a few of them, riding a couple of lessons each while I searched for the one who fit me best.<br><br>Well . . .<br><br>I think I've found him. =) <br><br>I'll edit this with updates when I sort out the details. As you can tell, I'm extremely, extremely excited about this, but its taking up a lot of my life that isn't school. XD
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