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Any Training Advice?

edited March 2010 in General Discussion
Ok Bailey can not stop barking and lunging after the cats we have. Bailey is stuck in the kitching (we have baby gates) so she can't actually get the cats. Any suggestions on how to reduce the barking and attempted chasing? I am sure she won't stop completely, but a reduction would be nice xD<br><br>Here's the naughty puppy xD <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br><br>This is our second herding breed so I know they will have constant urges to chase our poor cats. Our previous one pretty much left the cats alone except she did get a little excited and wanted to lick them, but Bailey flat out wants to bite at them.<br><br>Im willing to try few things :D


  • Some dogs just don't like cats, and don't want them around. Espically Border Collies ( as you probably know..) considering they herding/chase everything that has legs and can move let alone something that meows =P.<br>I would try to get her use to it, how long have you had her? If that doesn't work w/ time, I would actually advise using a shock color within your house.. I know it's not an idle positive reinforcement method, but it works. <br><br>She's gorgeous, btw. Hopefully this problem gets solved! Where's she from?
  • I have a cat and a dog, first when the cat came the dog whas just like yours and the cat like most cats are :lol: <br>it took time but they stopped at the end and are now friends :D <br>just let her bark but dont give her attendion, she will stop in the end hopefully.
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  • I've had her for about 7 months. And we rescued her. I would never get another dog from Ammardan. <br><br>It seems she's good some days with not barking at them but others its bad. My one cat likes to purosely taunt her by sitting right at the gate and glaring xD. <br><br>Hmm interesting advice so far. :D Thanks guys
  • tarnish wrote:
    I've had her for about 7 months. And we rescued her. I would never get another dog from Ammardan. <br><br>It seems she's good some days with not barking at them but others its bad. My one cat likes to purosely taunt her by sitting right at the gate and glaring xD. <br><br>Hmm interesting advice so far. :D Thanks guys
    <br><br>What I've had to do in the past is let my cats teach the dog themselves. Of course, supervision is key, but it can be good to let the dog approach the cat/s and learn that if it tries anything that cats can defend themselves. My dog, a full grown Border Collie, has learned that she can't go after my cats. We did have a stray at one point though that we didn't let her near, and so she never learned that chasing it was a bad idea.
  • My cats tried teaching her but they aren't powerful enough xD. The dog is just too excited.<br><br>Thank you MagicalHorsePonyDog :D
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