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Please Please Get Better!!

edited March 2010 in General Discussion
Ten Years ago my brother got the most amazing dog ever.<br>The was a little brindle pit bull named Cheyanne.<br>He had her for about 2 years and then he moved to where he couldnt keep her.<br>She was already the sweetest pit ever. She never jumps on people, <br>or bites or even growls...<br>She plays fetch and she's the sweetest girl.<br>She has always been a very healthy girl... very muscular.<br>Yesterday i noticed she was ahving trouble breathing...<br>I talked My mom into taking her to the Vet Today and the diagnosis isnt every good...<br>She either hada heart attack... a stroke... or cancer...<br>The vet gave her a shot and said to give her four hours and if she didnt inprove they were gonna put her down...<br>She improved...<br>But she still prolly isnt going to make it til tomorrow...<br>She was fine two days ago... how can she be about to die today?<br>She literally coulnt lay down or she couldnt breath...<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


  • :( I hope for the best. She's absolutely beautiful; one of the prettiest Pits I've ever seen. Good luck. And try to remember all the good times you've had with her, not the times you'll have without her. <3 Again, good luck, I wish for the best.
  • Aw, best wishes for all of you. She's gorgeous.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I am shocked and very pleased to report that Chey DID make it throught the night last night... and her chest doesnt seem so swellen... so MAYBE she will be able to breathe again soon.
  • Hope she gets better!
  • She's such a beautiful dog! I hope she gets better. She seems to improve. :cry:
  • She was actually able to breathe well enough laying down earlier<br>to get her first nap in 2 days...<br>2 hours long thank goodness
  • I hope she gets better!<br>Pretty dog.<br><3<br><br><span style="font-size:59">She has the same name as my step sister but spelled differently. ( Cheyenne is how she spells it.)</span>
  • She didnt make it... Shes playing someone better now. <br>She died peacefully in her sleep
  • Aw.<br>D; Im so sorry ;-;<br>Feel free to talk to me whenever :)
  • Actually.. believe it or not im glad...<br>she isnt struggling to breathe anymore.<br>She isnt scared anymore.<br>Bandit will quit stealing her frisbee.<br>And she's with her little girl Dixie again.
  • Actually.. believe it or not im glad...<br>she isnt struggling to breathe anymore.<br>She isnt scared anymore.<br>Bandit will quit stealing her frisbee.<br>And she's with her little girl Dixie again.
    <br><br><br>At least she isn't struggling anymore .<br>And she is with the other dog you mentioned above .
  • yea... her daughter Dixie who had<br>to be put down for attacking another<br>dog a couple of years ago
  • Oh.<br>Well at least there together once again <3
  • oh i hope everything works out she is beautiful
    Looking for upgrade.
  • I'm sorry for your loss. Even though you know she is better off, that doesn't make the pain any less. She was a stunning girl... my favorite color too. I just love red brindle.
  • That's really sad that she died, but at least she died peacefully in her sleep =]<br><br>I know when I die I want to die that way. No pain
    Back in action?
  • All i can say is that i am most definitally getting another pit one day.<br>And that there is no way anybody can say pits are evil... EVER
  • <br>And that there is no way anybody can say pits are evil... EVER
    <br><br><br>That's for sure. My aunt's dog, who I grew up with pretty much, passed away a few years back. I played with that pit since I was probably 2? Either way, she was the sweetest.<br><br><br>I'm glad your dog found peace. ^^ It's so hard to watch them struggle. I'm sorry for your loss, still.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • All i can say is that i am most definitally getting another pit one day.<br>And that there is no way anybody can say pits are evil... EVER
    <br><br>True that. My uncle has the sweetest, smartest dog ever and you know what? He's a Pit Bull. Lol<br><br>It's never and evil dog, it's evil people. Raising the dogs wrong and giving them bad names
    Back in action?
  • thanks so much to anastasia who was kind enough to dye this dog in memory of my sweet girl who is now in heaven<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;
  • Poor poor Vampy!! If you want, I could make a memory banner? :(

    Please PM me if I win anything.
    - Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
    Want help with graphics making? Just PM me!
  • Oh sweetie I'm sorry. I kinda know how you're feeling. I lost Meg a month ago, one day she was fine, and they next she was gone. Again I'm so sorry. If you wanna talk pm me.
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