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My American Saddlebred Mare

So im always talkin bout my horses...<br>and my mom thinks im getting experienced enough<br>to handle our saddlebred mare.<br>She's kinda wild but she used to not be.<br>Im gettin a foal from her so im starting <br>to handle her more<br>Here she is... Shelby<br><span style="font-weight:bold">Her Mane is GEORGEOUS.. Shoulder Length</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><span style="font-weight:bold">And For the First time today in 4 Years... I Saddled Her</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><span style="font-weight:bold">She just really shocked me that she was being so sweet...<br>Im used to the mare who tries to run me over in the pasture =3</span><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Isnt she jus georgeous?!<br><br>This is Poco.. the stally were breeding her too..<br>He's an old man now xP<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>and i just thought id throw in their other stally Cheif... <br>The leopard appy<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />


  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:blue">:shock: Wow!</span></span>
  • But I want her, Vampy! D;<br><br>XD She looks nice. :))<br>I'm glad someone thinks that their kid/student/etc is experienced enough to do something with a horse that's less than perfect. rofl
  • XD my brother wants to sell her after she foals. Im not gonna ride her for at least another year. Im gonna spend the whole time she's pregnant doing groundwork with her. Maybe if she's ridable we can keep her... and if not she'll still be worth more
  • *nods* Well, I'm still working on the 5/6k that I'd like to have before I actually settle on a'll probably cost quite a bit to trailer or ship him/her here since I'm leaning towards finding one in Texas XD and then $960 a year for board (hopefully have 2 years worth in there) and then the cost of the actual horse..and then hopefully some money to help with emergency costs if needed. :3<br>I'm glad I tried to think this all through. XD even though 6k is a bit more than what I'd consider easy to save up.. x.o lol<br>*ponders about if I'll get to ride while on vacation in Jersey this year*<br>but anywho-yeah, groundwork always does oodles XD *here thumbs up* :))
  • nods* i just hope she doesnt hurt me... cuz i got a bad back and she freaks my mom out
  • Chief~ OMG, appaloosas are my favorite. He's just gorgeous.<br>The pinto is beautiful too.~ reminds me of two stallions I had when I was little.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • XD Appys are gonna be one of my main breeding prospects in the future
  • Wow! They're all gorgeous!!!
  • I LOOOOOOOOOVE your paint. It's gorgeous. :o
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • She's gettin bred this week. We took her over to the <br>ranch with the stallions today and she is in heat right now.<br>The stallions BOTH look Very HAPPY to see her ROFL
  • Vampy...Are you <span style="font-style:italic">sure</span> I can't just steal her from you..? *big 'ol puppy dog eyes*
  • xD only 700$ for her XD and you gotta come get her... AFTER my foal is born of course
  • lol I know XD<br>still gotta save that $2000+ just for trailoring down there and back with her rofl
  • Vampy...Are you <span style="font-style:italic">sure</span> I can't just steal her from you..? *big 'ol puppy dog eyes*
    <br><br><br>Noo!<br>Cause i am going to steal her ;D
  • as long as you leave money as a randsom note XD
  • D;<br>I dont have any! <br>;-;
  • Dx i cant sell her without gettin Moohlahs
  • Yess you can!<br>Give her to me as a present.<br>My birthday is in an exact month from today ;D
  • She aint going nowhere til my new baby is born XD
  • Well its a late present.<br>Then give her to me when the baby is born and doesn't need her anymore ;)
  • :shock: <br>*glares at shameh and slowely inches toward her in a crouched position*<br>Stay. Back. D:<<<<br>*attacks and runs after shameh until she's nowhere to be seen*<br> :twisted:
  • :shock: <br>*glares at shameh and slowely inches toward her in a crouched position*<br>Stay. Back. D:<<<<br>*attacks and runs after shameh until she's nowhere to be seen*<br> :twisted:
    <br><br>haha.<br>Ill be nice.<br>ill let you have her.<br>Butttttttt. <br>You better feel bad for attacking me xD
  • tiffer wrote:
    :shock: <br>*glares at shameh and slowely inches toward her in a crouched position*<br>Stay. Back. D:<<<<br>*attacks and runs after shameh until she's nowhere to be seen*<br> :twisted:
    <br><br>haha.<br>Ill be nice.<br>ill let you have her.<br>Butttttttt. <br>You better feel bad for attacking me xD
    <br><br>XD rofl<br>I'd actually love to have her, but I doubt I'll ever manage somewhere around 8k to feel comfortable with board, trailor fees, vet, farrier, the $700 for her, etc etc haha
  • Id hate to have to do all that... around here all u gotta do is afford the horse
  • Id hate to have to do all that... around here all u gotta do is afford the horse
    <br>right? that's why I wanna move down there. XD I probably will eventually...just because I won't be able to deal with the land restraints up here. e.e
  • xD come live with meee! none of our horses were over 700. Thats what we paid for Shelby.. my first gelding was 400 and my SHOW mare was free *evil cackle* and we bred for Saharah
  • Haha.<br>My mom basically bribed me to move. But i really do wanna move (she just didnt know ;D ) <br>and i can get a horse then. <br>And well in Arkansas thats all you need to do is have enough for the horse .<br>I cant wait.<br>I have like 5 months to wait so we have the money from something :)
  • Make sure you get one that is good for riding.<br>My first gelding scarred me for years because<br>i was so used to buckin when their head went down<br>so it took me FOREVER to learn how to lope
  • Make sure you get one that is good for riding.<br>My first gelding scarred me for years because<br>i was so used to buckin when their head went down<br>so it took me FOREVER to learn how to lope
    <br><br>Oh i will.<br>My mom has horses before.<br>And she said we are trying to get the perfect horse thats good for my first horse.<br>We found this one a few months ago. <br>But im sure it would be sold before we move D;<br>Old Trail horse is what it was <3<br>And thats what my mom wants to get .
  • I wish i hadda been like that. <br>I never loped until i got my show mare.<br>i went from riding MAYBE 3 or 4 times a year<br>to riding drill team, barrel racing, team penning, <br>and horsemanship. Lol. <br>and i dont go 3 days in a row without riding
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