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edited March 2010 in Vent
REALLY.<br><br>I went to click on someones profile to say "Thanks for the fave!" like I always try to do.....well, you can bet your bottom dollar I am NEVER doing that again....there was some VERY inappropriate material for my poor little eyes....they didn't even bother to put a block on it.<br>Seriously people, 12 year olds go on that sight at least be somewhat decent and block it!<br><br>Now I am scarred for LIFE! O_X


  • Most of the stuff is blocked if you put the correct age in. Some things get through and if it upset you that much, you should report it. Also keep in mind that it -is- an art website. You're not going to agree or like others interpretations (may they be too gory, showing too much skin, etc). <br><br>I always thank people regardless of their own art. I appreciate that they like my work and I like them to know that. They took the time to fave, I take the time to say thanks.
  • tarnish wrote:
    Most of the stuff is blocked if you put the correct age in. Some things get through and if it upset you that much, you should report it. Also keep in mind that it -is- an art website. You're not going to agree or like others interpretations (may they be too gory, showing too much skin, etc). <br><br>I always thank people regardless of their own art. I appreciate that they like my work and I like them to know that. They took the time to fave, I take the time to say thanks.
    <br><br>It didn't upset me, but what if my parents had been in the same room or my 8 year old sister?<br>And this wasn't art, it's one thing to appreciate the human body but this, just no. There is a line that should be drawn.<br>And I usually say thanks depending how many faves I get on a photo, but I don't want to go on a profile and see something like that every time.
  • You have to watch your computer then or maybe you aren't entirely ready for DA? I dont let my little sister see my screen when Im on that site because some things aren't appropriate for her yet. And if you're worried about your parents knowing, maybe you shouldn't be on it? I dont know. And I always say thanks even if I'm flooded (which only happened once ;;)
  • tarnish wrote:
    You have to watch your computer then or maybe you aren't entirely ready for DA? I dont let my little sister see my screen when Im on that site because some things aren't appropriate for her yet. And if you're worried about your parents knowing, maybe you shouldn't be on it? I dont know. And I always say thanks even if I'm flooded (which only happened once ;;)
    <br><br>I'm almost 18, I'm not a child. ;)<br>And it's not the fact that "Oh, I don't want my parents seeing it" and hiding things from's the fact that I know they don't want to see that and neither do I. And I use the family computer as I won't get my laptop for another week so it's not like I can hide the computer screen from my siblings when it's in the family room.<br><br>It's your personal choice what you see as "art" and weather you want to say thanks or not.
  • I know it's a choice. Did I ever say it wasn't? I was trying to make conversation on that point but I guess that didn't work out. <br><br>Maybe you should wait until you get your laptop then since its only a week? <br><br>Iunno, on that site I know theres good and bad things. I ignore the bad stuff and click away. I just take the whole site as it is. Just like on here it has its bad points. *shrugs* Im blanking. Least its the weekend.
  • Like tarn said... its an art site. I don't agree with those forms of art either, but it is an art form. Any art site you go on is going to be like that - and there are worse ones that don't block anything. I've known people who had to leave other sites because no images were blocked at all.<br><br>I honestly don't even look at peoples' pages when I go to thank them, I just auto scroll down and don't even notice their pages at all because I don't have the time, or need, to look at their stuff.<br><br>So, scroll faster! is my solution =P
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I understand it's an art site, and I can appreciate body photography/art. <br>However, this wasn't photography/art, if you saw the picture you'd probably agree. I don't know how to put the right words into it. xD
  • Rofl, maybe XD <br><br>I haven't seen some of the 'really' bad stuff yet. Some of the more dark/macabre is creepy but I find them interesting somewhat. But anything with a bunch of skin that I've seen always was artistic in some way. Guess Im lucky, huh? xD
  • It's all based on interpretation, but I do agree that even some of the pictures that claim artistic interpretation, still need to be marked with at least a warning. For the most part I have absolutely no problem with those things, but children most definitely should not be looking at them. There are actually some very naughty, but artistic images on DA, so you have to be careful if your not on a personal computer, or if you've put in the wrong age.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • dA is a good place to see things you shouldn't be looking at until you're "legal." That's a part I dislike about that. Taking a picture of people's privates isn't art in my opinion.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • reina__ wrote:
    dA is a good place to see things you shouldn't be looking at until you're "legal." That's a part I dislike about that. Taking a picture of people's privates isn't art in my opinion.
    <br><br>Thank you!<br>Especially when it's not even photographic, it's just being disgusting.
  • Avla wrote:
    reina__ wrote:
    dA is a good place to see things you shouldn't be looking at until you're "legal." That's a part I dislike about that. Taking a picture of people's privates isn't art in my opinion.
    <br><br>Thank you!<br>Especially when it's not even photographic, it's just being disgusting.
    <br><br>-nods- i was going to comment earlier but wasn't at a computer, and ipods are no good for typing replies lol.<br><br>I've seen some stuff on DA that just made me cringe. Overall i love the site, there are some of the most amazing artistic people ever on there. I personally like quite a few of the body images and even the photography that is done with certain body parts etc. especially when people take the time to make edits, enhancements, and such. But any person can take a picture of someone's privates as Reina said. To me and most people, that isn't art in any way, shape or form. In my opinion it shouldn't be allowed to be posted on the internet for others to see. It's disrespectful not only to the person being photographed but also the so called "artist". This may just be my view on things, but it's the way i feel.
  • Well put, Buffy.<br><br>I actually think there are some cute "body" portraits out there and I've see some cool ideas, a lot of women get them done for their spouse/boyfriend or for their model portfolio.<br>Which I don't have a problem with, it's just there should be a line especially when the site attracts all ages.
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