I don't know what to do... I feel so bad for my dad.. we recently found out my mum (who i love and still find hard to believe whats happening) so my mum has been texting this other guy from her work.. and it's not good... <br><br>I'm so angry at her, I can't believe she's doing this, even if dad works 11 hour days and doesnt see her that much.. I just dont understand why she would do it to us..<br><br>And the guy shes txting! He know my little sister and me! he knows we have a good family, why is this guy suck a ****!?<br><br>Dad told me not to tell anyone but I don't know how I can't. I feel like going up to the guy and telling him that hes a home wrecker and telling everyone him and my mum work with so they get hated by everyone else.<br><br>Dad wants mum to leave but he still loves her and knows she wont be able to support herself let alone my 2 little sisters (my sisters will go with mum, just cause they are that kind of people... I dont blame them but i hope they realise whats happening)<br><br>I just dunno what to do... anyone else been in this kinda situation?
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t
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