<span style="font-size:75">I am so annoyed at my math class right now. Well, about 85% of the people in it. Why do people have to be so disrespectful, rude, and immature? <br><br>Let me tell you what happend before I rant about it. <br><br>Today in my math class, we had a subsitute. She was the smallest, sweetest, little old woman. We've had her before. Anyways, my class was being absolutely TERRIBLE. She'd write down a problem and turn around to teach us how to do it correctly. Then when she turned and faced her backs to us, everyone started talking, whistling, yelling, and making immature noices. She "yelled" at us in this sweet little voice telling us we were being disrespectful to her, but things only got worse. Half of the class wasn't even taking notes, which we were told to do. I was out sick last week, and was just beginning to understand the concept we're working on, so I was actually trying hard to pay attention, take notes, and learn it. That's a little hard when over 20 people are screaming and laughing and whisting. :roll: <br><br>But it's not just being rude. They were being completly disrespectful. They kept yelling and whenever she said something they had to make an immature comment back to her. One kid was finally sent out to the hallway, and when he left he started hugging the substitute, saying he would miss her and everyone was laughing. Another time she said, "Well this just shows me that you are really little people on the inside." I'll admit it's a little.....I dunno.....odd or babyish to say that to a group of teenagers. But everyone burst out laughing and started talking and yelling. This poor old lady was probably about to have a heart attack or something. <br><br>At one point she threatned to call a princapal, and to be honest I wish she would have. It would've taught those jerks a lesson. They didn't listen to a word she said, they talked through the whole class and the poor lady couldn't get them to shut up, they made the most stupid, immature noises ever, they made disrespectful comments to her, they got up out of their seats whenever they wanted, they didn't take any notes, the list goes on and on and on. My regular teacher would have never let them get away with any of that. <br><br>It makes me so mad, that people can't sit down, be quiet and respectful, listen to the teacher, and act like civilized adults. The worst part is, our teacher probably will never get any report of how horribly behaved that were, and they'll do it again the next time. I'd rather get yelled at by the teacher, knowing I was being perfectly respectful then have everyone get away with that. What's even worse then that is kinda scary. My teacher is expecting a baby in April. We'll have a sub for the rest fo the year, and I don't know how I'll survive if that sub doesn't take charge and teach them how to behave. Seriously.<br><br>It annoys me. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: </span>
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