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The Next Person's Dog



  • She is to dumb to know what a cat is :cry: i point at cats all the time to get her to notice, but she never chases them or anything.<br><br>TNPD is spoiled.
  • lol not really since we have 5 other dogs and she is the middle youngest and gets into a lot of trouble...:D<br><br><br><br>TNPD likes to be outside rather than inside
  • Nope. I opened the door for her to go outside [she was whining by the door, I assumed that's what she wanted] and she ran back in through the dog door.<br><br>TNPD likes to play fetch.
  • lol and no my dog doesnt but my sista's dog does<br><br>TNPD likes water
  • Oh gosh, she freaks out! She will just jump out of the dog tub, which is three feet in the air. i have no clue where that random spurt of athleticism comes from. Shes a fat little lazy piggy :oops:<br><br>TNPD like other dogs?
  • lol On occasion it just depends<br><br><br>TNPD is ALWAYS hungry
  • Oui, she is a french bulldog who is always looking for food!<br><br>TNPD is athletic?
  • oh yes VERY I swear she never stops moving<br><br><br><br>TNPD is very social and it doesnt matter who
  • YES! when I take her for walks, she frolics around like everyone loves her, and greets strangers and expects them to love her and spoil her.<br><br>TNPD's tail never stops wagging?
  • lol You seem to know her so well!!<br><br><br>TNPD loves to do things that really arent meant for her to physically do
  • Na... to fat... [she isnt actually fat, but she looks all depressed if we dont call her fat. shhhh dont tell her I said that]<br><br>My friend french bulldog did though! No this thing is fat, 40 pounds, maybe a foot tall. very wide, lots of rolls. My aunt was gonna go jogging, and Sofia pranced up and begged to go with her. So this forty pound fatty went jogging up and down hills, keeping pace with my aunt, and didnt die. that was like, magical!<br><br>TNPD is a snuggler.
  • Ha Ha i have two friends that each have a bulldog and they are the funniest dogs to watch <br><br><br>TNPD loves cheese (lol my dogs favorite even thought probably not too healthy)
  • Hates it xD Probably because the only time he had it, it was parmesan..<br><br>TNPD likes to snore when they're awake
  • <span style="font-size:92">More like snort... xD<br>Like a piggy.<br><br>TNPD is a SPAZZ when he/she gets out of the tub.<br>-cough- Izzy... -cough-</span>
  • lol yah she runs around as i am chasing her trying to dry her. She jumps on everything dry getting it wet!<br><br><br><br>TNPD is very obedient (So not my dog :D)
  • Sooooort of... not especially but she's not a total dumb bum either.<br><br>TNPD wears a flat leather collar.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Em has so many different collars. She doesn't have a plain leather collar but she does have a leather collar with gems and conchos on it. :)<br><br>TNPD is more than 54 pounds. (lol Em is 54 lbs)
  • Yep. Not sure exactly how much she is now but somewhere between 90 and 95.<br><br>TNPD has floppy ears.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Yep, really floppy, drop ears. I don't like them. lol I prefer rose ears on APBTs. <br><br>TNPD has a docked tail.
  • False.. but my next dog probably will. :( I like tails though.<br><br>TNPD bites the leash on walks.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • None of my personal dogs have ever done that, ever. <br>But, there was a dog at the shelther that <span style="font-style:italic">should</span> have been mine. Forget it... She <span style="font-style:italic">was</span> mine. Scarlett was just a horrible example of what bad owners do to a dog and yes, she did. It wasn't fun to walk her but it was cute. We had a lot of fun with that leash before she was euthanized. :(<br><br><br>TNPD can shake paws on command.
  • Cayla can!<br>xD<br><br><br><br>TNPD dreams alot when sleeping.<br>(like they look like there running and little arks ,etc while sleeping.)
  • yep my jack russel terrier will lay there, run and growl its very entertaining. Then he jumps up like he is scared, looks around to make sure no one saw him and then walks away lmao.<br><br>TNPD is very hyper active
  • He has his moments :P Like today he chased his yardmate Woody the golden retriever for half an hour o.o <br><br>TNPD likes to eat grass
  • Yep, she thinks that she is a cow. lol <br><br>TNPD has bat ears.
  • Lol yes when she's listening to something, except they fold over at the tips.<br><br>TNPD goes through major shedding at least twice a year.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • Nope. He's like a hypo-allergenic dog, so he doesn't really "shed." If he did shed, we wouldn't have the little dork because me and my dad are allergic. xD<br><br>TNPD is multi-colored.
  • Yes Cylee is.<br>She is white and around her eye she has a brindle patch.<br>If you ever wanna see a picture pm me :]<br><br><br>TNPD like to chase laser pointers xDD
  • yah lol she will chase almost anything!!<br><br><br>TNPD is friendly towards cats
  • <span style="font-size:92">Depends.<br>PM'ed, tifferrr.<br><br>TNPD is funny at times but a huge dork at other times?<br>-coughIZZYcough-</span>
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