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A few rants.

edited March 2010 in Vent
-First off, I hate my brothers dog. He is the first dog I have actually <span style="font-style:italic">hated</span>. He's possibly the stupidest dog on the planet, and that's not meant to be taken lightly. He has plenty of things to do, toys, treats, and my brother stays outside with him all day while he plays around with the neighbors dogs, so I know he is not bored. And the reason I say that is because he has cost about $100 in damage. In the mornings he will just sit and chew on the wall, my dad will tell him no but he goes back and just sits and chews. I am usually home to let him out and what not, well he came inside from playing outside for about an hour and I was the only one home, well it got really quite and I went to look for him, turns out he chewed ANOTHER pair of my favorite shoes. And he KNOWS what he's doing because he runs off when you find him with his tail between his legs.<br>I'm guessing he does it for attention or just to piss us off! Most dogs that cause damage or chew on things is out of boredom, but this is nothing like that. I also planned on training him to hunt so he can get energy out and maybe calm down more, but he just doesn't listen. This isn't the stubborn not listening, this is the I do what I want. For example, I tell him to sit before I give him any type of treat, yet he refuses to listen and instead he will sit part way and then when I go to give him his treat he jumps up and snatches it and runs off. -.- People keep telling me "oh he's smart/independent and knows what he's doing/wants" WELL OBVIOUSLY! But, that makes him just as stupid. I can honestly say I have never met a dog like him, my poodle is stubborn but I have taught her quite a lot of things and she knows what is good and bad.<br><br>-Secondly, I get sores on the roof of my mouth about 2-3 times a year. But, I have one now and it is KILLER, it hurts and it hurts to eat. D:<br><br>-Thirdly, I hate Florida. I just want to leave! But, I have 2 more miserable weeks left here. I love my family, but I swear if I stay here longer than 2 weeks I am going to hurt someone. O_O<br>It's just so dull and boring, I have not left my house since I came here in December, except going to church or outings with my family. But, I disowned most of my friends because they are just jerks...and they make for an even longer story.<br><br>Cookies to those who read. ._.


  • Awwww poor Lava D= i know i hate being in Florida when we go to visit.. hang in there though. hopefully they dont stay longer than a few more weeks. My brother and sister-in-law's dog is that way as well. we have to watch her some days and it gets really annoying. she runs from us all the time, we have to corner her just to pick her up
  • Garnet wrote:
    Awwww poor Lava D= i know i hate being in Florida when we go to visit.. hang in there though. hopefully they dont stay longer than a few more weeks. My brother and sister-in-law's dog is that way as well. we have to watch her some days and it gets really annoying. she runs from us all the time, we have to corner her just to pick her up
    <br><br>It's like nothing but old people here. XD<br>I am leaving March 27th, and I come back at the end of May then leave again forever, except holidays. 8DD<br>That's why I prefer cats to dogs. :P And my brothers dog was trained correctly, he's just being a jerk. D;
  • Ugh, sores in your mouth are so painful! I hate them. Have you tried orajel (sp?) or something? That really helps me. And right about now I wouldn't mind living in Flordia. I hate the weather in NY right now. But I guess everyone wants to get away from the place they live in at some time in their life. :? <br><br>What kind of dog is your brother's dog? It might sound stupid but maybe he's not getting enough excercise? Toys and treats could be fun but he might just have too much energy. There must be <span style="font-style:italic">something</span> causing the probelm. It could be physical? I don't know, I just don't think he'd be so destructive for no reason at all.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • Ugh, sores in your mouth are so painful! I hate them. Have you tried orajel (sp?) or something? That really helps me. And right about now I wouldn't mind living in Flordia. I hate the weather in NY right now. But I guess everyone wants to get away from the place they live in at some time in their life. :? <br><br>What kind of dog is your brother's dog? It might sound stupid but maybe he's not getting enough excercise? Toys and treats could be fun but he might just have too much energy. There must be <span style="font-style:italic">something</span> causing the probelm. It could be physical? I don't know, I just don't think he'd be so destructive for no reason at all.
    <br><br>I get canker sores. D:<br>And I really can't do anything about the pain, should go away in a day or two though.<br><br>It's a doxie, he exercises more than any dog I know, my brother walks him all the time, he stays outside and runs around 24/7 (understatement) all he does is exercise. I think he does it for attention in all reality because he craves it, if I pet my cat or dog he gets jealous. Practically over everything. ._.
  • I'd suggest numbing gel. It's really helpful for any pain in your mouth. My mom uses it for canker sores, and I use it when I get sores from acid. I don't think you're supposed to apply it all the time, but it really helps when you want to eat.<br><br> Don't know what to say about the dog. I had a chihuahua that chewed a hole in the wall when I was really little. We unfortunately had to find him a new home(he was too territorial and aggressive with our other dogs). Have you tried crate training?
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • I'd suggest numbing gel. It's really helpful for any pain in your mouth. My mom uses it for canker sores, and I use it when I get sores from acid. I don't think you're supposed to apply it all the time, but it really helps when you want to eat.<br><br> Don't know what to say about the dog. I had a chihuahua that chewed a hole in the wall when I was really little. We unfortunately had to find him a new home(he was too territorial and aggressive with our other dogs). Have you tried crate training?
    <br><br>My mom had this canker sore patches that I just put in my mouth and it heals overnight, and it worked. :D<br><br>I use to really LOVE small dogs, but after having this dog around I'm not so sure. :P<br>Except I love poodles. 8DD
  • And when he was a puppy, we tried every way possible to crate train him but that didn't work out so well, I think something happened to him when he was a puppy(before we got him). We kept him in the bathroom at night. He also HATES baths, even when he was about 6-8 weeks out he would get mad and growl and fight out of the tub.
  • Avla wrote:
    Ugh, sores in your mouth are so painful! I hate them. Have you tried orajel (sp?) or something? That really helps me. And right about now I wouldn't mind living in Flordia. I hate the weather in NY right now. But I guess everyone wants to get away from the place they live in at some time in their life. :? <br><br>What kind of dog is your brother's dog? It might sound stupid but maybe he's not getting enough excercise? Toys and treats could be fun but he might just have too much energy. There must be <span style="font-style:italic">something</span> causing the probelm. It could be physical? I don't know, I just don't think he'd be so destructive for no reason at all.
    <br><br>I get canker sores. D:<br>And I really can't do anything about the pain, should go away in a day or two though.<br><br>It's a doxie, he exercises more than any dog I know, my brother walks him all the time, he stays outside and runs around 24/7 (understatement) all he does is exercise. I think he does it for attention in all reality because he craves it, if I pet my cat or dog he gets jealous. Practically over everything. ._.
    <br><br>Oh, that exaplains it. My firend has 2 doxies, standard and miniature, one chews on the wall almost every day. They are stubborn little doggies.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
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