This has happened to me several times...<br><br>-not directed toward anyone-<br><br>People...<br>If you win an auction and I ask you to place your bids. PLACE THEM! <br>If its been a few days since I posted and asked you to bid, I will PM you asking to you to.<br>I'm a patient person but if you win and don't place your bids, then too bad...I'll just sell them to someone else. I have that right.<br><br>This has happened to be with art (when no one replys to the messages I send with the forms)<br>and I later get a message from that person saying "I won art and you didn't send me anything!" <br>Well yes I did, it's in my sent box. <br><br>All I'm saying is that my patients is running thin, and it's not just from VP.<br><br><br>-end of rantingness-