I don't vent often, but quite honestly, I think I'm getting winter <br>depression.<br><br><br>I haven't been able to go outside because 1. its too cold and 2. the snow<br> won't just, go away already.<br><br>So, I'm stuck inside with nothing to do but sit around on the computer <br>and get annoyed at everyone and everything on here. For various <br>reasons. Probably all of them wouldn't bother me normally if I wasn't so<br> miserable at the moment. So, I'm going to spend some of my indoor <br>time 'letting it all out'.<br><br>For the third day now, I've just felt downright exhausted and pained. My <br>muscles are all sore for no reason, and something in my side has been <br>killing me (hurts to laugh on the few occasions that I do, isn't that just <br>depressing?)<br><br>School is still the same as it has been for two years. Instead of <br>complaining about my friends/boyfriends like I see so many people do on<br> here, and elsewhere, I'm going to complain about not even having any <br>to complain about. Too bad these people wouldn't realize what they have <br>when they complain that their friends weren't doing everything right. Just <br>be thankful you have people to talk to, because I don't.<br><br>I also want to vent about people online complaining about their parents <br>for small things (like, RESPONSIBILITY, heard of it?) I love my parents <br>and respect them, and when they tell me to do chores I don't feel like <br>doing, I do them without feeling the need to go vent about something so <br>small like that. While in this greedy little place called the world, parents <br>are the ones who think about you when no one else does, and they care <br>for you. Nothing ticks me off more than when people make up things and <br>blow everything out of proportion to make their parents look bad. (please<br> realize, I -do- know there are bad parents out there, and I'm sorry for <br>people who don't have good parents. This is why I'm so annoyed that <br>people who do take advantage of them) <--- my little mini anti-vent for <br>many venters out there xD<br><br><br>AND on top of all of that.<br><br><br>There has been no Bleach for months. No wonder I've been in such a bad<br> mood. You all can blame Adult Swim for holding Bleach off on me D; <br>There are many rainy months ahead.
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>
Temporary Training -- Breeding -- Showing -- Gifty Holding -- Decoy Line