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I hate my twin.

edited March 2010 in Vent
I'm a twin(one girl, and one boy). I hate my twin brother, and I hate the excuses that are made so he can misbehave. He's 18 now, and doesn't behave like an adult because my mom is always saying "boys mature slower than girls." He believes that he should treat his friends better than his family, so if my mother or I say something about one of them he turns into a screaming mad man, but if one of his friends says something about my mother and I he laughs. This year he has had a lot of drama with an ex girlfriend, a drug addict kid harassing him, vocally cursing <span style="text-decoration:underline">anywhere</span>, refusal to help out, and dropping grades. It puts stress on our family, but we still try our hardest to support him.<br><br> He tells me I'm a horrible sister, that all I do is harass him. I'm not allowed to talk to him, but he thinks it's ok for him to talk to me after saying that. I try to be nice to him, by buying him games, and playing with him, but that wears off after a day, and then he doesn't want me around. I most definitely could be a mean sister. When his girlfriend did something horrible I could have been like "I told you so" but instead I helped him, and played games with him so he wouldn't think about it too much. When he cried I didn't mock him, I got him some water, medicine, and an ice pack so his head wouldn't hurt...but I guess he chooses not to acknowledge that.<br><br> I'm not heavy, but I've always been curvy(very wide hips, and broad shoulders). Most people actually think I'm very small because I'm short, but at the moment I need to loose a little weight, and it really bothers me. Well, on Monday my family and I went to see "Shutter Island" and my brother refused to let my mom sit in the middle so I sat next to him. I was trying to talk to him(asking him about some advertisement for something to do with the army) , and he turns and calls me a "fat ***" loud enough to get people in the theater to turn and look at us, just because he didn't want to talk to me. I have a lot of problems just going to the movie theater, and being around a lot of people so I was completely mortified. When the movie started I ended up having to sit behind my family, and I cried half the movie because of him.<br><br> There is something else he does, but that's too personal for me to post atm. It's a much bigger trigger than the few pounds I need to loose, and it's definitely not something anyone should joke about.
I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.


  • Oh... I have a twin sister but though sometimes we fight,she is my best friend and i dont think i could live without her :D
    Looking for upgrade.
  • Hate's more of a strong word. I think that you and I both know that even though he sounds like a real ass, you're just mad ):<br><br>I'm sorry, Sushi. That honestly sucks ): I hate it when people are mean to you out of nowhere. I'd have things to say, but none of them are VP appropriate if my brother did that to me.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Quite a few twins on here, eh? =O That's neat.<br>Anyhoo, he sounds like he's being a real immature jerk.<br><br>When he's like that (puts you down or is just downright rude), try not to be upset about it and pity him. Have sympathy for how immature and how rude he's being. Because, as we all know, no one likes people like that. And if people do, they obviously do not know the true side.<br><br>Hang in there. Siblings are rough.
  • my twin brother is very "immature" too. thankfully he went into the service so he straighten up quiet a bit. he needed a swift kick in the you know what. I understand.
  • Oh... I have a twin sister but though sometimes we fight,she is my best friend and i dont think i could live without her
    <br>We used to be that way, but in the last 2 years we keep getting farther apart.<br><br>
    <br>Hate's more of a strong word. I think that you and I both know that even though he sounds like a real ass, you're just mad ):<br><br>I'm sorry, Sushi. That honestly sucks ): I hate it when people are mean to you out of nowhere. I'd have things to say, but none of them are VP appropriate if my brother did that to me.
    <br> Yeah, I might not hate him yet, but he's on the path towards getting my hate. He will be starting college soon, and if he screws that up I will have no more respect or love for him.<br><br><br>
    Quite a few twins on here, eh? =O That's neat.<br>Anyhoo, he sounds like he's being a real immature jerk.<br><br>When he's like that (puts you down or is just downright rude), try not to be upset about it and pity him. Have sympathy for how immature and how rude he's being. Because, as we all know, no one likes people like that. And if people do, they obviously do not know the true side.<br><br>Hang in there. Siblings are rough.
    <br> There are a lot of twins here! It's amazing.<br> <br> Siblings are indeed rough. I don't get along with my adult half sister either, and unlike my brother I truly wish to no longer see her. I'm just worried he's on the same life path she took.<br><br>
    my twin brother is very "immature" too. thankfully he went into the service so he straighten up quiet a bit. he needed a swift kick in the you know what. I understand.
    <br> My brother is in the Marine JROTC, which we hoped would help him, but it hasn't one bit.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • Punch him. Might help. Maybe that's what he needs.<br>If he thinks he can emotionally hurt someone then he's got another thing coming. I don't usually recommend returning the favor but he really needs a wake up call; he's 18 for crying out loud. My brother is 13 and acts more mature than the girls he goes to school with, so that idea that girls mature faster than guys isn't always true. <br><br>Kick him in the goods next time he calls you something that really hurts you. I would!!
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I gave him a piece of my mind when he was spewing sexist remarks the other day. I swear, if all you can do is roll your eyes and say "Someone's PMSing" then you definitely don't deserve anyone's respect, especially not mine. <br><br> I won't hit him. I don't agree with it, but he does deserve it, and one of these days someone will most definitely hit him because he can't keep his mouth shut.<br> <br> I agree. I've met boys that are very mature, and girls who aren't mature at all even though they are the same age. "Girls mature faster than boys" is just another one of those stupid sayings that people take to literally. <br><br><br>
    <br> I confronted him about what he said in the movie theaters, and he says it's completely justifiable. This is why I can't even be around him any more. He wants to, and thinks it's okay to belittle people with public humiliation, and psychological abuse.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
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