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edited February 2010 in Vent
Let's start with my vent, shall we? <br><br>So my mom, Queen of Ideas Not of My Liking, decided that we would decorate cookies at rehab center. NOT.A.GOOD.IDEA. So Hanah and I HATE these type of things.<br>Most of the people weren't bad. But I tend to HATE these things. It is like torture for me. <br>My mom gave the whole, "One day you'll be old too..." speech.<br>So ya...<br><br><br>Which leads to my phobia! = <br><br>I am 95% that I have developed Gerascophobia or Gerontophobia, also known as a fear of the elderly. For the most part, my phobia consists of the ones who can't communicate.<br>I just can't stand it! I don't think my mom really understands how bad it is. She wa like "Quit being a baby!"<br>But I was being s.e.r.i.o.u.s !!! <br><br><br>Now on to the rest of this...<br><br> So if you know me, you know that I do not take defeat well. And I'm really not the slightest bit senstive (for the most part)<br>I hate being defeated. Including the defeat of myself by myself.<br>Today at softball, I was NOT doing well. They are trying to improve the length of my step.<br>Well fist my favorite coach said "Come on, at least pretend you're having some fun! I know you can do it! I've seen you do it a million times!" Which made me laugh and whatnot.<br>Then, after a while, I had stopped snapping (the softball term for a pitcher when they quickly snap their wrist to release the ball -just a tip for those who don't play softball-) at my hip. I wasn't sure why. <br>So I started taking my pitches really lsow so I could figure out what was wrong. Then I relized that my elbow was numb. Therefor, I couldn't feel when I was snapping because it stopped the feeling fro reaching my lower arm.<br>It was strange. <br>So after watching me struggle with a numb arm, my other coach comes over and keeps telling me "Don't get down on yourself, I know we're throwing a lot at you, but I want you to do this the best you can. I know you can!" and she gave me a hug.<br>Now for some odd reason, my "won't be defeated" part fo my personality kicked in and I got a little worked up.<br>I didn't cry, but i did have to take a sec and regain myself.<br>It was so unlike me!<br>I felt...sensitive...for the first time in a while.<br><br><br><br><br>Strange eh?


  • Ya i have had moments like that...Like in Volleyball, my coach is not exactly the nicest but she isnt meant. So we were in practice and she is talking about setting(i am the setter) and i was trying very hard to listen. So when we got to trying it I was trying my best and my coach started liek yelling at me. I almost broke down. But i controlled myself dont worry.
    Looking for upgrade.
  • My vollleyball practices were torture! But I had a good understanding of my VB coach. I'm the back up setter and back up libero so I was moved around a lot which drove me insan! xP<br>It's a different story with softball. :?
  • I actually have developed a severe fear of the dark. Funny thing is, if it's not completely dark in my room, I can't sleep. But when it is dark, I'm afraid to sleep. So, I fall asleep talking to someone, or listening to music. Otherwise, I wont be able to sleep.<br><br>Your mom sounds a lot like my mom. I shake almost constantly now. I can't help it, I've tried to stop. And she's like "It's all psychosomatic. Get over it."
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • ya, she keeps telling me that I'm just being a baby and that my fear can't be that bad. :x
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