Let's start with my vent, shall we? <br><br>So my mom, Queen of Ideas Not of My Liking, decided that we would decorate cookies at rehab center. NOT.A.GOOD.IDEA. So Hanah and I HATE these type of things.<br>Most of the people weren't bad. But I tend to HATE these things. It is like torture for me. <br>My mom gave the whole, "One day you'll be old too..." speech.<br>So ya...<br><br><br>Which leads to my phobia! = <br><br>I am 95% that I have developed Gerascophobia or Gerontophobia, also known as a fear of the elderly. For the most part, my phobia consists of the ones who can't communicate.<br>I just can't stand it! I don't think my mom really understands how bad it is. She wa like "Quit being a baby!"<br>But I was being s.e.r.i.o.u.s !!! <br><br><br>Now on to the rest of this...<br><br> So if you know me, you know that I do not take defeat well. And I'm really not the slightest bit senstive (for the most part)<br>I hate being defeated. Including the defeat of myself by myself.<br>Today at softball, I was NOT doing well. They are trying to improve the length of my step.<br>Well fist my favorite coach said "Come on, at least pretend you're having some fun! I know you can do it! I've seen you do it a million times!" Which made me laugh and whatnot.<br>Then, after a while, I had stopped snapping (the softball term for a pitcher when they quickly snap their wrist to release the ball -just a tip for those who don't play softball-) at my hip. I wasn't sure why. <br>So I started taking my pitches really lsow so I could figure out what was wrong. Then I relized that my elbow was numb. Therefor, I couldn't feel when I was snapping because it stopped the feeling fro reaching my lower arm.<br>It was strange. <br>So after watching me struggle with a numb arm, my other coach comes over and keeps telling me "Don't get down on yourself, I know we're throwing a lot at you, but I want you to do this the best you can. I know you can!" and she gave me a hug.<br>Now for some odd reason, my "won't be defeated" part fo my personality kicked in and I got a little worked up.<br>I didn't cry, but i did have to take a sec and regain myself.<br>It was so unlike me!<br>I felt...sensitive...for the first time in a while.<br><br><br><br><br>Strange eh?
Looking for upgrade.
Semper Fi.