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My Akita Puppy!

edited February 2010 in General Discussion
So I know peoplez like my Yuki so I decided to make a post with all the piccy's I have of her. Going to post links so that it looks better. xDD<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>Yuki is my purebred akita that I bought in the beginning of January. She is only 13 weeks old and is HUGE. xD. I luffles her so much.



  • Wow! Gorgeous coloring! :3
  • Whoa :shock: She is Drop Dead Gorgeous !!! Very Cute
    Looking for upgrade.
  • Thanx guyz. :D I plan on showing her and maybe even breeding her when I get my own place and can afford to buy a male. I am thinking about buying a pure black male. :P She was 1000 dollars. -_- But eh. xD

  • Thanx guyz. :D I plan on showing her and maybe even breeding her when I get my own place and can afford to buy a male. I am thinking about buying a pure black male. :P She was 1000 dollars. -_- But eh. xD
    <br><br>What do you plan entering her in? Conformation? Agility? etc? :O<br>Dogs are expensive. xD I have to save up at the least $2000-3000 to get a good agility/working Shepherd from a breeder.
  • O_O Cute!!
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • She's got a very unique color pattern! I like it. <br><br>There is a purebred red Akita that came into my shelter a while ago. I was shocked to see her there. She still needs a home and I'm really surprised she hasn't gotten one yet.
  • I plan on showing her in conformation of course. :P Thats what most breeders do.<br><br>Thanx Zagari. I so wanna see piccy's of the akita there. :P I used to work for an akita breeder so I am very much obsessed with them. xD<br><br>Pepper- Thanx. :D

  • I plan on showing her in conformation of course. :P Thats what most breeders do.
    <br><br>I'm sure she will do great! :D
  • Thanx Zagari. I so wanna see piccy's of the akita there. :P I used to work for an akita breeder so I am very much obsessed with them. xD
    <br><br>This is her Petfinder page. The picture sucks but they won't change it because this one "shows her personality." Her name is London.<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... d=15529563</a>
  • awww. She is SO pretty zagari! Yeah I noticed that Akita's in shelters don't get homes very easily. When I took yuki to pets smart at the end of january, they had a HUGE litter of Akita/Shepherd puppies and no one wanted to adopt them though I had a lot of people who fell in love with yuki. I think maybe it's because some people think they are like the classification of pitbulls, "Mean if you don't raise them from puppyhood." though it is not true.

  • Her coloring is almost ideal to my akitas coloring but mine is darker due to my dog's age. Mine just turned 12
  • Got piccy's Secretic?

  • Not Right now,i only have pictures of my great dane on my computer. My laptop had everything has everything on it and it crashed
  • Is she an American or Japanese akita? My guess is American, based on coloration, mask, and size so far. xD<br><br>Lemme know how it goes though. I always wanted an akita (Japanese- not American), but due to their size and generally apathetic natures, my boyfriend and I have settled for a shiba. xD<br><br>Oh, and yes, there's quite a difference between American and Japanese. American akita have German Shepherd blood in 'em, and tend to be larger and more temperamental. 8D But more personality. xD Japanese akita are more "oh, my property. I will watch it. *follows*" towards the owner.
  • Avla wrote:
    Thanx guyz. :D I plan on showing her and maybe even breeding her when I get my own place and can afford to buy a male. I am thinking about buying a pure black male. :P She was 1000 dollars. -_- But eh. xD
    <br><br>What do you plan entering her in? Conformation? Agility? etc? :O<br>Dogs are expensive. xD I have to save up at the least $2000-3000 to get a good agility/working Shepherd from a breeder.
    <br><br>My aunt has awesome Conformation/Agility/Working (the parents are trained for police work as-well, and works with them, etc.) German Shepherds. I think she sells them for around $500-$800 USD. I've heard nothing but great things from people who've purchased them from her. Could provide a link if you'd like to check em out :)
    Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!
  • Sitka wrote:
    Avla wrote:
    <br>My aunt has awesome Conformation/Agility/Working (the parents are trained for police work as-well, and works with them, etc.) German Shepherds. I think she sells them for around $500-$800 USD. I've heard nothing but great things from people who've purchased them from her. Could provide a link if you'd like to check em out :)
    <br><br>That would be great! I'll PM you. :D
  • I know Kazuko and I am sure she is American. Japanese are usually smaller than American. :P <br><br>And I will let you know how it goes with her. :P I have been in love with akitas and know a lot about them now so I plan on working on them. They are amazing. I have worked with over 30 of them. xD. The prettiest in my opinion is this one: <a href=" BOB win 10-08-06.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... -08-06.jpg</a><br><br>Thats one of the many I worked with. :P The people I worked with have their own site: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... z3dx13z8c4</a><br><br>I was going to buy a pup from their recent litter, Kit Kat xXx Bear but when we spoke she did not seem to want to sell me one so thats what made me start looking and come across Yuki. I showed Kit Kat when she was a pup and knew her from about 7 weeks old but eh Yuki is just as good. xD.

  • <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Here's</a> the one I absolutely adore. *longing sigh* The brindles- I loves them...
  • I <3 Akitas!!!<br><br>I have been Obsessed lately and have been trying to get me parents to get one... My friends are all pretty educated now since I haven't shut up about them since like 2 weeks ago<br><br>I would probably try and get a japanese one but I dont think there are any of either type near here which would mean..Roadtrip!!(for me not for the puppy)
  • There have been some pretty dogs pictured in this thread. I don't want to steal Yuki's glory by posting some more pictues. But, I took my camera to work today and got some more shots of London if you want to see them!
  • Oh the markings~!!! Gorgeous!<br> I adore spitz, but Akitas have always been in my top 10 spitz breeds. I love their thick faces.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
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