My brother. My brother. My brother. He is my younger like, half brother. He is an embaressment to be even half related too. He has not one considerate bone in his body and he is extreamly selfish. He's not a young, tiny, kid like five or six. He's plently old enough to know what he's doing. When we found my grandma had diebetes, he cried, because we had to go to the hospital and he had to get off his playstation. He pretends to care about things, but there is always an underlining motivation that HAS to benifit him or he won't even pretend to care. I hate him so much. I'm not a hateful person, but I have plently of hate for him. It's not like I'm the only one either, my younger sister sees it too. She dosen't like him either. He has ADHD, which only makes his behavior worse, but no matter how many pills you give him there is no pill for being an inconsiderate brat. It's a day-to-day struggle to get him to take his medicene. He is the cause of 90% of my entire family's stress. He refuses to take his medicene before school and work for my mom and puts her in a horrible mood all day and when I come home (because I leave for school before anyone else leaves) my mom is yelling and screaming at everyone.<br><br>And do you want to know what the real funny thing is? The real joke? He never get's my mom's full rath. When he's ruined her day, me or my sister get snapped at because of her mood. Not him. I hate him sooo much, you don't even understand. Most of you have normal families, with a normal annoying brother/sister or whatever. He's not just annoying, he's so much more. He never lisians, and purposely does what he's told not too. He's also concited, because my mom tells him how she thinks he's "handsome" and "cute" and so he know decides me and my sister are ugly. (Not to be concited, but neither of us are) He also tries to start fights, always. And we end up being in trouble for what he started. Whenever he is absent from our house it feels like a giant weight is off everyone's soldiers. We are happier, have a better time, my mom is in a 100% better mood. I just can't stand him. I wish he would be sent somewhere far away, like boot camp. He would crack the first day. He get's everything, everything. He comes home with 100$ new toys every weekend, when I have to ask 3 monthes in advance if I REALLY want something. I used to have my own bedroom. It was something I really needed, because I have one of those personalities where you become completley stressed if your around people for too long. Guess what happened to my bedroom? It's his now. This was my mom's excuse to give it to him: "He's getting older, he's going to need more space." HE DOESN"T EVEN SPEND TIME IN THERE!!!! AND I CAN'T SPEND TIME IN MY ROOM BECAUSE I HAVE TO SHARE IT WITH MY SISTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will ALWAYS be older than him, why won't I "need" more space!?! Why am I not as special to need my own room? He's a complete Momma's Boy, and he makes me stomach churn. He threatens me all the time saying "I could tottally beat you up!!" and the rest of my family encourages that saying things like "Chibi, you stop! One day he is going to be able to beat you up." And I look them right back and say "You don't know what your talking about. Be Quiet. By the time He's big enough to actually inflict damage on me, he'll be sent to jail. I hope he <span style="font-style:italic">does</span> hit me so he can be sent to jail. (:" Then I get grounded forever. Once, I will tell you, he threw the heavy TV-remote at me, hit me in the head, so I got up walked as calmly as possible to him, and punched him. Not even hardly. It took him five seconds from when he realized what happend to start crying like a infant. <br><br><br>It's unfair to see him be the golden child, where if I did any of those things I'd be sent to boot camp. But in tiny certain ways, I guess I even it out.
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- Reached 9x4 Tibetan Terriers & 9x4 Kashmiri Sheepdogs.
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"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"
Semper Fi.