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Keiko! (Pic Heavy)

Since I was little, the world of reptiles (and aquarium fish) have majorly fascinated me. For some odd reason, I've always been more fascinated to learn about them, and have been able to get into them more in depth than my "obsession"; dogs. I've had an Iguana, and after she had passed away a few yrs. ago, I wanted to get a Leopard Gecko. I instead, had gotten a Chinese Water Dragon named Meatball. Well several years after that, I finally got my dream; A Leopard Gecko!<br>My bday is on the 22nd. And I wanted a Leopard Gecko. I was either going to see if someone needed one rehomed, or go out and buy one from the local petstore if all else failed. I put up an ad, stating that I will pay a reasonable rehoming fee. The next morning (today) I got a call from a lady saying that she had a Leopard Gecko and that she didnt have the time to take care of him as she was switching to Beardies, and didnt like him because he was "nocturnal". Perfect for me though, cause Im always up at all odd hours of the night. We met at a local parkinglot, she said that she had paid 1k for him from a breeder outside of the state in California. He is from Snake Eye Eclipse and "Normal/Wild Type" Morph Breeding Stock. She even showed me the purchase papers and everything stating this. Then she said that she hasnt been able to get him to eat for over 2 mo. First of all... These guys are from Iran, Pakistan, etc. a desert area and store all their nutrients, water, etc. in their tails (sort of how the Camels do with water) and are able to go a little while without food. So no need to freak out there just yet, unless he's really looking bad (he looks VERY healthy), however, the lady did tell me she had a house full of dogs, kids from ages 4-19, cats and loud birds. This could've caused him to get very stressed, thus causing him to quit eating. And just because he's "nocturnal" doesnt mean he doesnt need some source of UV light. I went out and bought a UV light, thinking this may be the problem. However, I brought him home, set him down on the floor, gave him a cricket, and in less than 2 mins. of it being on the floor... He ate. So I think he's pretty fine. And she just didnt know how to take care of him. But you should always research an animal you're getting, even if you think you already know stuff about it. Anyway... Sorry for rambling.<br><br>His name is Keiko. (Kay-Koe) means "Spot" in Hawaiian.<br><span style="color:red">PICTURES ARE (C) ME! NO STEALING PLEASE!!</span><br>Keiko has a very great personality, that I havent really seen in any of my Beardies, my Iguana or Chinese Water Dragon. He's very "people oriented". He wants to be round someone all the time. Or so it seems. If I set him down, he will come running over to me. He curls up in my lap to take naps and licks my hands and nose. Either that, or he's just tasting me so he can plot his revenge to kill me? lol He doesnt really like to be left alone for too long. And he's -extremely- curious about everything. If I talk to him, he will look up at me and is just always "in your face". So correct me if Im wrong, or anything like that, but that's just what Im seeing with him personality-wise.<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Keiko likes to sleep with me. I wasnt going to sleep, so she curled up under the blankets, and went to sleep shortly after this was taken.<br><br>Let me know whatcha think!
Stolen 6.3.2009. Hoping everyday to finally be reunited with my baby. I miss you Dodger!


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