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edited February 2010 in Vent
Found out I haven't been in four years a week ago.<br>Went today for a vigorous cleansing.<br>My mouth hurts like HELL. And she accidentally caught the gums behind my teeth, behind my front ones, on that sharp drill like thing she uses to get under them, and now it's all swollen and I can't talk without a lisp because of the placement of it.<br><br>I've got this irrational fear of doctors offices, whether it be dentists, hospitals, pediatrics, etc.<br><br>Yet, I want to be a neurosurgeon. o.o<br><br>/walkingcontradiction<br><br>Anyone else hate things like that? D;
"I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
Semper Fi.


  • I can't stand the dentist. I dont mind doctors though. But the word dentist makes me spazzy out and curl up in a corner and want to cry...
  • Wheaton wrote:
    I can't stand the dentist. I dont mind doctors though. But the word dentist makes me spazzy out and curl up in a corner and want to cry...
    <br><br>I hate having their fingers in my mouth ;-; Along with random sharp objects and a mini-vacuum thing.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • My grandfather is a dentist. Other than the few times he joked around and told me I had cavities, I prefer him over someone I don't know. lol.<br> My personal opinion is that all cleanings hurt to some extent. My mouth always hurts for a day after having it done. No matter what dentist I go to I also can't seem to come out without at least a little bleeding; they are always so rough with the flossing! D:
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • <span style="font-size:92">Also if you don't take superb care of your teeth (we're all guilty), it usually hurts. Your gums swell if you don't take really good care of them, you usually don't notice the swelling because it's so minute, but it happens.<br><br>Dentists are hell for me, too. ;-; I have fluorosis, which is where the enamel on your teeth doesn't grow properly because of too much fluoride as a child. I have very soft teeth and I'm extremely susceptible to cavities. x.x<br><br>Have to make sure to floss thoroughly every single day, brush, use a fluoride rinse, and use a mineral paste all twice a day. Sucks, but most people should do this. xD</span>
    <span style="font-size: 10pt;">rLHC1jx.gif </span><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">sophierue.png</span><span style="font-size: small;"> </span></div><div><span style="font-size: small;">oh I swear to ya, I'll be there for ya.
    10.31.10 ❤
  • Dentists, doctors, etc. I dislike all of them. xD They poke and prod at me and tell me things about myself that are good to know, but I don't want to hear. :/<br><br>I have braces, so I get a lovely, painful trip to the dentist once a month to get them tightened. And I've been getting braces-like things done to my mouth since grade four. -_- I still have about a year to go, too.
  • Sea Oats wrote:
    <span style="font-size:92">Also if you don't take superb care of your teeth (we're all guilty), it usually hurts. Your gums swell if you don't take really good care of them, you usually don't notice the swelling because it's so minute, but it happens.<br><br>Dentists are hell for me, too. ;-; I have fluorosis, which is where the enamel on your teeth doesn't grow properly because of too much fluoride as a child. I have very soft teeth and I'm extremely susceptible to cavities. x.x<br><br>Have to make sure to floss thoroughly every single day, brush, use a fluoride rinse, and use a mineral paste all twice a day. Sucks, but most people should do this. xD</span>
    <br><br>I cannot stand the taste of toothpaste. Hate it. I still brush my teeth, but I cannot stand the taste of it. <br><br>I hate floss. I've always hated it. I liked the taste of it, but I hated the feeling of it. xD<br><br><br>Sushi: I've got two from four years ago that we never got filled. <br><br>Garfield: D; I have perfect teeth. Ahaha xD So I wouldn't know what braces feel like. All I know is that my teeth are straight, with no large gaps in between them.
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Alright, time for a little Coaster rant along with this vent :twisted: <br><br>Let me start with braces shall we?<br><br>1 word. TORTURE. Luckily, mine didn't have to be tightened, they were a heat activated wire that slowly tightened over time.<br>But, I had to have surgery on my gums to remove tissue so they could but a sharp, pointy, annoyance of a bracket in the back of my mouth.<br>And attached to that sharp, pointy, annoyance of a bracket was a spring. <br>A.Metal.Coil.Spring<br>It dug a rut in the side of my mouth for 2 years. Talk about pain.<br><br>Now for my orthodontist (sp?)<br><br><br><br>He always wore this weird mask (like the one that dentists wear) that has a dog nose and mouth on it. Scared the crap outta me!<br>And you could NEVER undestand a word be said.<br>"Open" sounded like "Oin" and "Close" sounded like "Clu" and "Bite Down" sounded like "Byed" o.O<br><br>Now to the process of getting them off.<br><br>It' wasn't painful, but the lady drove me insane. She was all "Alright, alright are you ready? Are you sure? Okay here we go. Oh wait a second. Ok are we ready now? Alright, alright..." YES LADY POP OFF THE BRACKETS ALREADY WOULD YA?! Geez...<br><br>And for my dentist.<br><br>He's alright. I've never had a cavity *applaudes* but the hygenists are kind of annoying.<br>Okay here's an update for you hygenists. WE CAN'T TALK WHEN YOUR HOLDING OUR MOUTH OPEN AND FLOSSING YOUR TEETH. It just doesn't work.<br>They always ask questions while they are doing something to your mouth. I never really understood why.<br><br>So there ya go. I've added my rants xDDD
  • Alright, time for a little Coaster rant along with this vent :twisted: <br><br>Let me start with braces shall we?<br><br>1 word. TORTURE. Luckily, mine didn't have to be tightened, they were a heat activated wire that slowly tightened over time.<br>But, I had to have surgery on my gums to remove tissue so they could but a sharp, pointy, annoyance of a bracket in the back of my mouth.<br>And attached to that sharp, pointy, annoyance of a bracket was a spring. <br>A.Metal.Coil.Spring<br>It dug a rut in the side of my mouth for 2 years. Talk about pain.<br><br>Now for my orthodontist (sp?)<br><br><br><br>He always wore this weird mask (like the one that dentists wear) that has a dog nose and mouth on it. Scared the crap outta me!<br>And you could NEVER undestand a word be said.<br>"Open" sounded like "Oin" and "Close" sounded like "Clu" and "Bite Down" sounded like "Byed" o.O<br><br>Now to the process of getting them off.<br><br>It' wasn't painful, but the lady drove me insane. She was all "Alright, alright are you ready? Are you sure? Okay here we go. Oh wait a second. Ok are we ready now? Alright, alright..." YES LADY POP OFF THE BRACKETS ALREADY WOULD YA?! Geez...<br><br>And for my dentist.<br><br>He's alright. I've never had a cavity *applaudes* but the hygenists are kind of annoying.<br>Okay here's an update for you hygenists. WE CAN'T TALK WHEN YOUR HOLDING OUR MOUTH OPEN AND FLOSSING YOUR TEETH. It just doesn't work.<br>They always ask questions while they are doing something to your mouth. I never really understood why.<br><br>So there ya go. I've added my rants xDDD
    <br><br>I love how whenever you get your teeth cleaned, you can't eat because of how badly it hurts.<br>I haven't eaten anything all day, but drank a few glasses of milk and some water. <br>/sensitive mouth.<br><br>I'm really glad I didn't have to get braces xD My brother needs them like hell, tho. He's got rabbit teeth xD
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • I hate the denist! It hurts.....I mean your mouth is such a sensitive place and you have cotton balls and metal tools and fingers jammed in there poking and prodding you. Ew. No offense to dentists or people who have dentist relatives, but it's a little gross to have to stick your fingers into a strangers mouth.....<br><br>Anyways, when I was 11 I had to get a cavity filled.....the dentist was treating me like a 4 year old. He named all of his equitment and talked to me in a baby voice. "OK, this is Mr. Motercycle and he'll just give you little tickles, little tickles!" I was like shut up! He was making it way worse and scaring me.....and the worst part? My cavity was infected, so I had to get a special coating/medicine on it and it had to dry. And get this. He said it had to dry for 30 seconds. Then....he asked me if I knew how to count 30. At age 11, in 6th grade. My little sister, who was 6 at the time knew how to count to 100. So I was a little short......I didn'y look any younger than 9 or 10 though. Gosh that dentist is annoying and creepy.
    Goals: 13/50million VPC
  • DENTISTS.<br><br>NO LIKE. :evil:
  • I LOVE going to the dentist, I love the feeling of my teeth after they have been cleaned and they are so white. :DD<br>I'm just afraid of getting my wisdom teeth pulled. :x<br>Other than that I always had good experiences, I cried when I got my permanent retainer when I was 8, but they gave me a stuffed animal. 8D<br>And then I got them take out in 7th grade and I got a teddy bear, a sticker, and a new toothbrush. XD <br>And I always loved the laughing gas they gave me when I was little because it was bubblegum flavored. :P<br>But, I DO hate going to the doctor because I had a bad experience, I was traumatized. But, I am okay with getting shots...anything else at the doctors I am terrified of.
  • <span style="font-size:75"><span style="font-weight:bold">Hate the dentist, too.<br><br>Had a similar predicament, except she stabbed my tongue with the drill and pretended she didn't. <br><br>Blahh, it's never goodd. I hope your mouth feels better sooon!</span></span>
  • Oh, I just hated my old dentist. It smelt... like bubble gum kind of stuff, like the flavor of flouride. It was gross. :/ It made me nautous. (sp? XD)<br>But now we got a new one, and these people don't have a smelly place. It's better, but the little boothes make me claustrophobic. XD
  • I used to like it.<br><br>Then I went for my yearly routine and grew up. All they do is hurt your mouth and grind your teeth with a nasty flavoured grity paste and spinning thing!!!!! And they don't have a cool head camera, so they stick plastic stuff in my mouth for an x-ray! IT'S ALWAYS TOO BIG AND HURTS LIKE CRAZY!!!!!
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  • whisperer wrote:
    I used to like it.<br><br>Then I went for my yearly routine and grew up. All they do is hurt your mouth and grind your teeth with a nasty flavoured grity paste and spinning thing!!!!! And they don't have a cool head camera, so they stick plastic stuff in my mouth for an x-ray! IT'S ALWAYS TOO BIG AND HURTS LIKE CRAZY!!!!!
    <br><br>I agree. She stretched my bottom lip too far because I have a really small mouth ):
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
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