I probably wont be on as much as i am till like the 23 of Feb maybe later .<br>I have to do some researcher and I'm always getting distracted by vp <br>;-;<br>Well I need good grades so i don't get in trouble.<br>Bleh..
I will miss you Shamester! D;<br><br><br>I should be avoiding VP too, because i'm suffering a LOT on grades but VP always sucks me in, that I can't keep away. So....I will still be here.
I will miss you Shamester! D;<br><br><br>I should be avoiding VP too, because i'm suffering a LOT on grades but VP always sucks me in, that I can't keep away. So....I will still be here.
<br><br>ill miss my lyc too D;<br><br>I try all the time but it sucks me in.<br>So this time i wont be on the computer unless im totally needed to be on .<br>Cause another site takes a bunch of my time
m y . p h o t o b u c k e t . a c c o u n t