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Oh. My. Lord.

edited February 2010 in Vent
My five year old cousin FREAKED because her hands got too cold. How bad was it? Well, let's just say that the neighbors called the police. Luckily, my aunt taped the whole thing to show the phsycologist and the neighbors agreed that that was exactly what they'd heard. My aunt does -nothing- to discipline her. And, that's exactly what I babysit 7 hours a week for free, she won't pay me and my mom tells me to deal because they're in a bad position right now financially, as am I.<br>SO. If I seem rude right now just know what I'm going through, along with my dad's behavior and my grandpa's death.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch


  • o_o Could have sworn I only pressed preview.<br>Since I can't edit, I'll finish here.<br><br><br>I hate when people can't control thier kids. You chose to bring that responsibility into this world, you keep it in line, not your neice who you push around and force to watch your tasmanian devils when she's trying to save up for a car. -.-<br>I feel better now that I've vented. Short but sweet, as always. :)
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
  • I personally don't like kids at all, and I'm afraid of babies. <br><br>Honestly, I probably would have called the cops myself if I was babysitting and a kid got that out of control. I also don't blame the neighbors for calling, since for all they new she was hurt. I really hate when parents make up excuse for not disciplining their kids. It's always they are just kids, it's just a phase, etc. I'm sorry, but sometimes kids need a spanking and a time out.<br><br>If she is that bad, a professional or her parents should be watching her, not you. It's not right to expect you to do that, but if you can handle it you definitely have a lot more patience that I do.
    I'm done with VP. I'll just be around until I get all my dogs and lines placed in good hands. If you want to contact me, please do so through deviantART.
  • I personally don't like kids at all, and I'm afraid of babies.
    <br><br><span style="font-size:92">Finally someone that doesn't like kids, too! xD No one understands me. xD<br>I swear, I hate kids. -0- I have no idea why, but I just can't stand them. I have zero patience and zero tolerance, so, yeah. xD And babies just annoy the hell outta me unless they're adorable. xD<br>[/end of lame hijack]<br><br>@ Pepper;<br>Dude, just smack that little girl. -__- I'm sorry, but it sounds like she hasn't been taught anything AT ALL.<br>And I agree with PrinceSushi about your neighbors calling the cops, cuhs I would've too, probably. xD<br>And your aunt shouldn't expect you to babysit your whole life for FREE. That's just crap. -__-<br>I hope one day your aunt learns that her kid needs some help. -__-</span>
  • Well at this point it's an anxiety issue and discipline will make it worse. I have no patience for temper crap but this I'm doing quite well on. <br>She should have seen a phsyciatrist a long time ago. She's just now starting this week.
    Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch
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