<br>I haven't really gotten around to posting much of anything anywhere..even on DevArt lately (a few months I believe) and so I thought I'd show ya'll what I've been working on, on and off?
<br>I only have a few things...but I'll go from newest to oldest..coz the newest one I just uploaded on tinypic with a watermark. xD I hope they're not too large...I think the larges is about 800 wide or so. lol<br><br>Hunter Mare<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>I attempted drawing her all squared up and spiffy...but I didn't really use a ref, so I went off my itsy bitsy knowledge of a squared up horse. I know the lining is a bit crappy..
I'm still trying to change from using a mouse to a tablet when lining. XD Oh..and one of the very few mares that I've drawn. This was done yesterday, and lined about 20 minutes ago haha. I'm also aware she has neither a mane or tail..I plan on doing the tail from scratch when I colour it..and the mane is braided..I just didn't have the care to do it because I'll probably re-line this before I colour it. I'll probably change it a tad and make it a realism piece for Tea. Tea's a seal point Morgan mare (evil) at the barn I go to ride at.
<br><br>Dude Headshot<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>Dude is the horse that I've been riding at the barn for the past month or so..I've only ridden him about 5 or 6 times, but I really do love him. lol He's a complete ass of a horse though. He doesn't like to listen, tries to slam me against the stall wall when I'm grooming him before I work him or such, he bucks, rears, paws, throws his head, etcetera. I've been trying to work on his ability to listen and do stuff correctly, and it's coming along a decent bit. I still can't really put his bridal on alone when he's in the stall though..he always raises his head when I get to his ears with it. >.o I'm pretty sure he just doesn't like his ears being I'm trying to get him use to me gently touching them and getting him comfortable with me in general. I can tell he's scared of I'm trying to get him to trust and respect me aswell.
I should be going to work with him Sunday again..So hopefully I'll get him to stand when I mount and let me tack him up.
<br><br>Male Josh/DeVaughn/Other<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>Alrighty..well see, I referenced parts of this from Josh and DeVaughn, and some just from general anatomy..and everyone keeps saying it looks like either Josh or DeVaughn...but oh well. It's the first human piece that I've worked on in just about forever. I had started colouring this piece last saturday night around 7, my computer wasn't being very cooperative and wouldn't save, so I thought I'd give it a little time to speed up a little right? Si. I went down to get a hot pocket and eat a bit, then came back up to the computer. I had worked on colouring it for 3+ hours..I was about to save it (it was still a little slow) and the power went out... >.<# I about murdered my computer and everything around it..I had everything but the hair, eye and earring done.. x.x<br><br>Well..there's some of the drawing onto my little bit of photography..I attempted to do a photoshoot of sorts on Toby. XD I think two or three shots went well..and then it went to hell lmao Mind that these are taken on my phone though..I haven't gotten around to buying a new camera yet. >.o I think they're nice for what I usually get out of my phone. e.e I only got two though..coz I don't want my dad to realize that there's over $5 in data charges on our cellular bill XD Sorry dad. rofl<br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br><img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /><br>The last one's a bit worse than I expected and originally thought... >.o<br>I'll be trying to take my dad's phone down to the wood with me if I go over my uncle's this weekend..the camera on his phone is a lot better