Sometimes, it's just heathly to let out all your rage on innocent bystanding VPians. C8<<br><br>Now Ladies, and Gentale Men The Things I hate:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">People Who Say, Kawaii or speak atleast a single attempted japanese word in one american sentence:</span> If You don't hate them too. I'd like an explination. These people are insaine. *throws fists in the air* INASINE!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! *Scremes like the Chocolate-Guy In Spongebob*. I know these people when I seem the on the streets too. They are usally overcolorful in a non-trendy way. And what they're idea of "Japanese Fashion" is looks alot like grandma clothes with alot of ugly jewlary. I respect japanese fashion, it's trendy, exciting and I could see how it became contagious, but please...if you are attempting a fashion statement or a statement about yourself, why have it be <span style="font-style:italic">"Hi, I'm a Japanese wanna be who thinks they speak japanese because I speak ONE japanese word that another non-japanese person told me! And Look, I dress like a grandma with Pizazz!"</span><br><br>Next,<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Using Ugly, Hidious "Bases" And Putting Lopsided Hair/Clothes/Eye On Them With MS PAINT!!:</span> IT'S NOT ART. IT'S NOT. NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOT! The defintion of art is <span style="font-style:italic">"the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance."</span> How is taking an ugly lopsided base and putting hair/clothes/ect. on it 'art'? It is not quality. It not any actual expression. And I'm very sure someone's ganna say "What if they're using the bases for practice?". Look, No, They arn't and you know it too. They're presenting the art is actually theirs when It is an eye-sore and if it were possible my eyeballs would throw-up. Thank You.<br><br>Also,<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">dOs3nT iiT iiriit@t3 U Wen PPl tiink iit B3 C00L 2 tYp3 liiK3 DiiS? Y dOnT D3Y q3t iiT?:</span> It was a major struggle for me to write like that. xD If you can't read that, I completley understand. People who type like this should have their keyboard privlages perminatley taken away, or have their fingers chopped off. Do you NOT go to school? Isn't the point of "ChatSpeak" or "NetSpeak" to lessen the amount of words your using so "U talk like dis" Isn't typing with every !
@#$%^&*() in your sentences just take <span style="font-style:italic">LONGER</span>? And oh, by the way THIS is the letter G <img src="" alt="" class="bb-image" /> Using "Q" istead of "G" is obnocious because I know how to read and write and I actually pronounce what your spelling sounding out the letter "Q". Isn't that funny? I actually think that a lowercase "Q" cannot subsitute for a "G"...BECAUSE IT CAN'T! What is there not to qet!?! (lol)<br><br><br>That's all I have for you now, If I were to tell you everything I hate in the world, you'd be in your computer chair for a looooonnngggg time.<br><br>Today's rant was brought to you by the letter <span style="font-weight:bold">G</span>, because Q is just not good enough.
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>
Goals: 13/50million VPC
"237mill/300mill" "80/100 Gifties"