;DD<br>I'm a MOTHER.<br>♥<br><br>My female rat, Peanut Butter, had babies today at school! (She and Jelly were my class pet for a month.)<br>ANYWAYS.<br><br>I was doing math and suddenly I hear like 6 kids scream "RAT BABIES! AHHH!" and my teacher was like "Delivery!" LOL And I ran over to the other room and was like "What??" And... yah. :P<br><3<br><br>QUESTIONS.<br>What do I feed them? (or do I just feed the mom?)<br>Do I need to heat the cage/room?<br>I'm afraid to hold them, so I don't know if they have milk bands. xD<br>Do I need to move the dad (Jelly) into a different container/cage?<br>HELP!!!<br>i'll post more questions as i think of them.<br><br>Also,<br>Right now, I have ripped up paper towels in there (& she used them for a nest-type thingy. researched), scrambled eggs (for the mom. researched) and bread soaked in milk (for the mom. researched)<br><br>Anything else I can do to help the mom/babies?<br>I WILL POST PICTURES LATER (:
10.31.10 ❤</span></div>
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